Thy trimmed and melted tree
With colored inputs curving in dressy waves
And thou tearful of betrayal fiend
Remind me of mine lovely days
Thine ignorance to myself
How feeble-friended thee is
Mocked me heartless, invisible belt
And thy irksome urge to hulk my rust
Ill-conceived fondness that thee had no concern
Temper-haunted memories
Neither of us conclude what we learn
You owe myself a trembling fee
Thee listen to myself, but do thou hear me?
Creeping thoughts from viewing yourself every day
Knowing thou still lurks happily
Whilst I live lonesome for eternal stay
Casual fear grabbing mine blemished soul
Hobbling to the end of the sigh
Thy vulgar attitude fills mine empty hole
Now no matters matter are left but to cry
Hidden in thine person's luggage
Held secret til' days' end
Filled with colorful unwindful rubbish
Last class took quite a bend