Ch 10 Old Times

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The arm went towards Pikachu who just stood still on the ground where he was.

"Pika!" Pikachu yelled.

"Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed trying to fake the whole situation.

"We are finally going to get the twerp's Pikachu!" James stated.

Ash then turned to his friends who seemed worried about Pikachu. "May, I need your help," He said to the brunette girl. "Combusken can help us beat Team Rocket."

The brunette girl nodded and threw her Poké ball in the air. Brock decided take Max to a safer location as they were extremely close in firing range.

"Combusken!" the young Fowl Pokémon said as she flipped and took a fighting stance.

"If it's a battle you want," James said as he picked up a Poké ball from his belt and tossed it. "Then it's a battle you'll get."

"Let's double team that fire-chicken," Jessie said as she tossed her Poké ball in the air.



"You can do this, Combusken!" May yelled to her Pokémon. "Use Fire Spin!"

"Quick, Seviper, use Poison Tail to slap that Fire Spin away!" Jessie ordered.

"Use Pin Missile," James quickly added to help his comrade.

Combusken sent out a fire tornado from its mouth towards the Team Rocket Pokémon. Just as the attack was close, Serviper's glowing purple tail slammed into the Fire Spin causing it to move to another direction. Before May could make another command, she saw Combusken get hit by the Pin Missile attack. She gasped as she saw her Pokémon take a direct hit. The brunette was relieved, though, when Combusken recovered quickly.

"Use Leaf Blade!" The attacked slashed Cacnea and Serviper directly causing both Pokémon to yell out in pain.

May and Team Rocket turned to see Ash standing off to the side holding a Poké ball in his hand. Secptile then landed in front of him. The Forest Pokémon put a small twig into his mouth and crossed his arms.

May smiled. She knew they were about to win. "Use Flamethrower on Cacnea!" She said as she turned back to look at Team Rocket.

"Ken!" Combusken said as she sent out a massive flame from its mouth.

"Cacnea, dodge and use Needle Arm!" James countered.

"Seviper, use Poison Fang!" Jessie extended her arm point at their opponent.

"Use Bullet Seed to stop Seviper," Ash commanded.

May's eyes widened when she saw the cactus swiftly dodge the Flamethrower with ease. Combusken then took a direct in the stomach by Canea's glowing white arm. She gasped as she saw Seviper's Poison Tail approaching Combusken rapidly. Just as Seviper spun its tail to slash the Fire-type, Seviper was hit with glowing gold pellets in the face. This caused the Poison Tail to cancel out and the snake to crash fiercely on the ground.

May sighed in relieve. She then looked at her Pokémon who was struggling to stand up. "Combusken, are you okay?"

"Combus..." She was slowly getting up from the ground.

"Guys, I tink we should make our escape," Meowth said as he held onto Pikachu with the metal arm.

Pikachu had figured out what Ash's plan was and decided to go with it. However, he did not like being captured by Team Rocket—even if he was only pretending, it made him feel weak. Pikachu sighed in the metallic grip. He really hated this trio.

"You're right. Let's get away from here," James said.

Jessie nodded. "Alright, Seviper, use Smokescreen!"

The smoke surrounded the group while the evil gang tried to make their escape. Ash quickly told Sceptile to use Pound on the ground to cause a strong gust of wind to blow away the Smokescreen away. It was a trick he learned when he did not want to use a Flying-type to get rid of smoke. When the smoke cleared, the heroes could see Team Rocket flying away in their air balloon.

"No!" May exclaimed. "I can't let them get away," May thought. "Ash asked for my help, and I can't let him down...not again."

She looked at her Pokémon as it finally stood up.

"Combusken, please help!" May yelled pleadingly.

"Combusken!" the Young Foul Pokémon exclaimed as she started to glow white.

Ash smiled. "Well, that took little longer than I expected," He looked up to see how Pikachu was doing. Ash could see that Pikachu was giving him a pleading look asking if he could destroy the arm. "Just a little longer, buddy. I promise."

"Blaziken!" the Blaze Pokémon exclaimed as she flexed her new form. Her legs, arms, and face were a dark shade of red while the rest of her fur was white. Her hands were talons that were surrounded by a small burst of fire in the wrist area.

"Wow..." They heard Max say.

May just stared in awe at her newly evolved Pokémon. She couldn't believe that her little Torchic had grown to become so powerful.

Ash pulled out his Pokédex and scanned the new Pokémon.

"In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrist and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely this Pokémon's wrists burn," The Pokédex explained.

May snapped out of her shock and gave a serious look. "Blaziken, let's get back Pikachu," The Pokémon smiled. "Alright, use Sky Uppercut!"

"Blaze!" Blaziken jumped up and rushed towards the metal arm with great speed. Her fist glowed white as the uppercut connected with the metal, causing it to break and Pikachu to start falling from the balloon.

"Ahhh!" Meowth said. "Quick, attack tat overgrown chicken!"

Jessie and James nodded.

"Seviper, use Poison Tail!"

"Cacnea, use Needle Arm!"

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