Ch 41 The Unkown Person!!!

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" May must really care about Ash a lot."Dawn noted her sudden change in expression before continuing. "Yeah, I wanted to know everything about you," she shyly responded. "Since we're going to be traveling together—,"

"We are?" May asked.

"Yeah, Ash invited me to travel with you guys. He thought it would be fun for us since we're coordinators."

May smiled brightly and clasped her own hands. "You're a coordinator, too?!"

Dawn nodded eagerly once more.

"Hey, May! Did you have any luck?"

May and Dawn both whirled around to see Brock walking up to them.

"Yup!" She exclaimed. She stepped aside, so Dawn and Brock could see each other. "This is Dawn. Ash invited her to travel with us through the Sinnoh Region."

"It's nice to meet you, Dawn. My name is Brock. Any friend of Ash is a friend of mine," the breeder said with glee. "The more, the better."

"It's nice to meet you, Brock!"

"Brock is also the cook in the group," May added to Dawn.

"Oh, good," Dawn said in relief, placing a hand over her stomach. "I honestly didn't know what I was going to do about food when I was going to travel on my own."

They laughed for a bit before Brock spoke again.

"So, where's Ash and Pikachu? Are they inside?"

"No, he said he was going to look for May at the port," Dawn recalled thoughtfully. "But why don't you guys come in and wait for him here?"

"I don't know..." May contemplated as she rubbed her arm. "I mean, if he thinks I'm still over there, shouldn't we go look for him?"

"True," Brock agreed.

"I'll go with you guys to look, but we should still wait about ten minutes before we head out," Dawn suggested. "He could be on his way right now for all we know, so we better wait to make sure. There are many ways to get to the port that if we head out now and take one path, Ash could've taken a different one, passing us, and we'd just be going back and forth."

"You have a point there, Dawn," Brock admitted reluctantly. "We should wait a bit, May—just to make sure."

May sighed in frustration but agreed with her friend.

"Come on," Dawn stood aside to give her new traveling companions a path to enter her house. "We'll wait inside and rest before leaving. I could tell you how I met Ash and Pikachu."


"I kinda figured she wasn't going to wait at the port for us, buddy."

"Pikachu pi pika pika pika," Pikachu told his trainer.

"Yeah, she's going to be mad at me," Ash sighed, rubbing his face against his hands before continuing. "Have you noticed that May and Dawn get angry with me easily this time around?"

Pikachu nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Let's head back to Dawn's house," Ash recommended tiredly as he stretched his arms. "We'll go get her, so we could find them together. This way, we could just leave all at once." He stretched his back. "I know I said we rest in her house for a bit, but we've wasted enough time as it is."

The duo started making their way through the port to head towards Twinleaf Town. They had entered the path outside the port when Pikachu spoke.

"Pikapi, pika pika chu pi," he said.

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