Intro to alchemy and the basics

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Alright young spiritualist it's time for me to tell you about Alchemy, let's start. Ah alchemy the art of making; ptions, exilirs and transformation of matter, that is what alchemy is and alchemy is also the second level of spirituality and incase you forgot what the 3 levels are here's a recap, see below:

 Ah alchemy the art of making; ptions, exilirs and transformation of matter, that is what alchemy is and alchemy is also the second level of spirituality and incase you forgot what the 3 levels are here's a recap, see below:

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there you go a quick recap we are looking at alchemy now the second level of spirituality. First off the potions, many different types and kinds of potins can be made love, poison, healing and more. You see potions are useful for both harming and healing beings, but making them is quite a process though. Now about exilirs, you see exilirs are mostly for healing not really harming beings, but other then that not much is to be said about them and making them is similar to making potions. And finally you have the transformation of matter part this is the part that will really require soul energy and such, now here's a quick recap of the 3 things that alchemy does, see below:

 And finally you have the transformation of matter part this is the part that will really require soul energy and such, now here's a quick recap of the 3 things that alchemy does, see below:

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that's the 3 thing's alchemy is and does. And finally the 3 main attributes of alchemy, see below:

 And finally the 3 main attributes of alchemy, see below:

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those are the 3 main attributes of alchemy. There you go that finishes the intro to alchemy so now young spiritualist turn to the next page and read on! 

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