I So Hate School With Every Fibre In Me

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Randy's Pov

I quickly jolted up to see my little sister whom I love and hate with passion almost biting my left ear and smiling at me like she just won the Miss Universe.

"What was that for Clara?"
I asked my sister who's still smiling.

"Oh that sweet noise you heard?"
She had the gut to ask me.

I gave her a glare which says don't fucking dare play stupid with me.

"Oh it was a thunder strike Randy and can you believe it sounded just like your name?"
She answered with another question then started getting down from my bed chuckling.

"Oh a thunder strike err, and sounded just like my name huh?"
I asked almost the anger in me gone.

"Yes Randy"

"Oh I see Clara"
I said smiling and quickly got hold of her and started tickling her.

"Answer my damn question Lara"
Lara is the name I use to call her when we're having a bro and sis bonding.

She answered in between laughter with a name she also uses when we're bonding.

"And what was that for"
I asked again my previous question.

"Mom.....said......get......up.......for......sch.... ool....aah...An.....dy"

"Did I just hear school? Fuck I forgot today's Monday"
I murmured slapping my forehead with my somehow soft and hard palm.

"I so hate school with every fibre in me"
I said through gritted teeth.

"Tell mom I'm coming okay? And Lara next time you turn my ear into trombone I will tickle you till you cum in that nice pants of yours you heard me?"
I warned her with a fake glare.

"Like I so care Andy"

"Get out before I start now"
I started running after her.

"Okay okay okay I'm going"
She said running towards my door laughing.

"Oh goddess I love this girl"

"What was that Randy"

"I said I hate you so much"
I said shouting because i wanted my mom to know she succeeded.

" Don't worry its mutual bro. Now hurry up we'll be late"

"Oh that, we'll definitely be Lara. Now fuck off"

She fired back sticking her tongue out.


"Mom I did it again"  "Was he angry?" My mom asked chuckling. "Oh no mom". " Now you too hurry  you'll be late". "Okay mom.. will be back in a few"

I heard their small conversation downstairs. Sometimes i wonder how I can hear from afar. I brushed the thought away like always and started my morning routine.

"Now get your handsome ass in the bathroom and hurry"
That same voice in me who always try to piss me off scolded. Initially I thought I was getting insane but later accepted that maybe it's me who's just imagining things to the extreme.

Y'all might be wondering where my dad is right? Well let me explain things to you. My sweet mom, sis and I live in a small but comfortable home. The both exciting and scaring path is that at the back of the house is a very wide stretch of tick trees which to my mom is a good thing cos it makes our environments cool. No doubt about it though. The whereabouts of our dad is a mystery. Anytime we ask our mom , she brush it off and being an understandable children, we don't push it forward and we gradually have stopped asking her about our dad. Not that we don't care about our dad. We do honestly and it hurt that we didn't have a dad when growing up.

I got back from the bathroom ten minutes later, put on a white shirt revealing my gorgeous body and eight packs together with a light blue jeans and blue dessert kick, took my small bag and set off towards the kitchen.

"Hi mom!! How was your night?"
I greeted my mom and kissed her cheeks.

"Hello son!! My night was good, yours?"
She asked handing me my coffee.

"Oh my night was awesome thanks to my sweet sister"
Note the sarcasm please.

"Haha I know right son"

"Talking of my sis where's she"


"I'm heeeerrrree"
Clara's running and shouting towards the kitchen preventing our mom from replying.

"Haha this your twin thinks she's still a kid"
My mom commented on her behaviour chuckling and shaking her head.

"She's just sick in the head"
I said also chuckling.

"I heard you bitch"

"Oh such a sweet kid, don't you know that was the whole idea?"
I asked still chuckling.

"Ouch Lara that hurt"
I said laughing because she has hit me at the back of my head.

Lara and I both turned back to see our dear Gifty chuckling and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Aww mom!!! Please don't. Please stop the tears okay? What happened?"
Lara asked approaching our mom almost also about to cry.

"Oh its nothing Love. I just love how you twins relate. You guys are the best gift to come my way"

"We love you mom so much so please stop the tears"
The both of us chorused at the same time which caused my mom to join us in chuckling.

"Now hurry and go to school kids"
Our mom said shoving us towards the door leading to the outside.

"Sure mummy"
Lara said

"Ohh mom!!"
I said at the same time because I still don't want to go to school.

"You Randy tell me when are you going to love going to school"

"When school go on extinction mom"
I said with a frown on my face.

"Oh I can imagine son. So how will school go on extinction"
Mom asked crossing her arms on her breath taking chest.

"That, I'm still researching on"

Lara said laughing.

"Fool. Go now before I change your white shirt to clay and let's see if your car won't bolt away when it sees you coming"

Both Lara and I said in between laughter resulting in another round of laughing.

"That you'll see soon if y'all don't drag your asses out of my precious house"
She said grabbing an oil.

Lara and I quickly took to our heels when we saw the oil. I was the first one to get out of the house cos there's no doubt I'll be at the receiving end

I sarcastically shouted still running for my dear life.

End of chapter one!!!! Thanks for reading this book.

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