Rogue Part |

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Alpha Lordina's Pov

"Finally next week's the day! Can you believe it Esther?" I asked my Beta clapping my hands and jumping like a little girl who just received a doll.

"Can't wait to see mate also" Prudence my wolf chipped in.

"I'm so happy for you Alpha. Finally you wouldn't be alone when Sena, Ann, you and I are going out with Morrierio, Fynn and Ronard" She playfully teased.

"Oh shut up. So how did you feel the first time you set your bad eyes on Ronard?"

"That feelings can't be explained Alpha" She said fiddling with her fingers with head slightly bowed cos she didn't want me to see her cheeks which looks like a ripped tomato.

"Looks like someone's blushing?"
I asked with clear amusement.

" You'll know...."

"Alpha, Beta" Sena our Gamma greeted with worry and anger clearly plastered on her face.

This caused Prudence to be fully on edge.

"What's wrong Sena?" The both of us asked.

"There's a rogue at the West boarder trying to invade"

I quickly shifted into my wolf form giving Prudence the full control at the mention of a rogue.
Prudence is not just any wolf but a white wolf which is very rare and also being the most strong wolf to ever be seen in the werewolf world.
It always feels great to be in my wolf with Prudence in control. As she runs quickly to the West boarder, the wind caress our body in a very soothing manner.

"Blood.. blood.... Whoever that person is will wish hell rather than our wrath" my wolf stated and I couldn't agree less.

"He'll regret ever stepping his stinking feet so close to our territory" I said with pure anger.

"Beta, Gamma stay close and be alert I can scent the rogue's presence" She link them through our telelink.

"Yes Alpha"

My wolf covered our scent to not give us away. She hid behind a tick tree searching for the rogue. We expected to see the rogue in a wolf form but to our dismay the rogue was in his human form pacing to and fro with a hand running through his hair.

"Great! What a wise decision. I'd be a coward to kill this 'pup' in wolf form" Prudence despite being feared and all believes in not fighting an enemy when he's in human form or a human.

"Let's shift back to teach this 'kid' a lesson" I told my wolf and we shifted back to human form.

""Don't attack Beta and Gamma. This boy is already a dead meat" I linked them from where they've taken position.

"Yes Alpha"

I covered our scents again and in a second, I was behind the rogue.
In a swift motion, I turned the rogue who's now facing me with a scared and pleading face.

I gave him a hard punch on the nose and was rewarded by the sound of a broken bones. I smirked.

"I'm....sorry....Alpha but I....mean no harm..please" The rogue pleaded through stuttering with blood running through the nose like a pregnant woman whose water just broke and submitting himself due to my powerful aura being exposed now cos my wolf was so on edge.

I decided not to kill this 'kid' but seek answers rather cos something doesn't click and he could have chose to fight back but didn't.

"Esther, Sena take this thing to the pack cell for proper welcoming"

"Okay Alpha" Beta Esther answered with a stern face for not killing this 'kid'.

"Proper welcoming Alpha? It just gonna be fun" Gamma Sena asked smirking.

I decided to take a one hour run to not do something worse for I was still angry.

"You should have killed that douchebag" I heard Prudence saying in my mind.

"He didn't show he mean any harm because his wolf submitted and didn't try to fight back and besides he was in his human form" I tried to reason and calm her down.

"Who knows he might be from the enemy's pack who killed Papa and Mama"

"But if so, shouldn't he have come with others"

"What if he's the only spy scent to gather information here to them you know.. our weakness and stuff? Cos there's this aura from him which betrays him as a spy. It's fading though"

In the blink of an eye I was heading towards the cell because what my wolf said might be true.

"Alpha the rogue has been locked in the cell" Beta Esther informed me through the link.

"I'm almost there"

"Okay Al" She halted because I was standing behind the cell already.

The rogue started retreating when he saw me oblivious that there's no way left again.

" Shit, I'm doomed" The rogue murmured realizing now that there's no way left cos his back is at the dirty wall.

"Time to sieve answers.. don't you think?" I asked furiously cracking my knuckles.

I could bet by now that the wall is shaking vigorously because of my anger.

" I...said..I don't mean any.." I punched his stomach with all my strength because his stuttering was pissing me off.

"What the fuck were you doing at the West boarder"

"I...came here.. for help Alpha..since your pack is the only strong pack to defeat Crystal Blaze Pack" He said clutching his hand on his stomach for dear life"

"Crystal Blaze Pack" What's he talking about Alpha?" I heard Beta asking in my head with a stern face.

"This rogue has something up his sleeve.. He's making a very wrong move if he's tryna play Mr. I'm so fucking innocent here" I told Beta Esther through the link.

"From the way he looks scared more like sad and saying things, there's only one thing to conclude with Alpha" Gamma Sena's voice also bumped in my head.

"And what shit is that Gamma?"

"That his pack was attacked by Crystal Blaze Pack?" She asked not so certain.

"I think so Alpha because he didn't show any sign of being harmful" Beta Esther seconded.

I looked at the rogue to see him calmed down a bit but there's an off vibe he's giving which I can't sadly place a finger on.

"Don't put your hopes high bitch cos I might kill you any moment from.." I said to the rogue but was rudely interrupted by an animalistic growl.

"Mine" I heard the person say immediately after the growl.

End of chapter three!!!

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