Born this way
Cursed to stay
My world a theater
The public filled with hater
Another child of another prophecy
Between honor and dirty legacy
Trying to treat them good
Also when i'm not in the mood
Adore nothing but the truth
Say it honest and smooth
Being a prey as part of humanity
A civilisation that lost ages ago quality
Ma Destiny is written in the stars
Fighting against it, achieving scars
But none of them on the back
Running away seemed allways wack
Nobody can write my story
Thats my part bitch i'm sorry
But theres nothing to worry
I am who i want to be
Before i bow i want you to kill me
Is see friends dying it breaks my heart
But i know up in the sky
They watching over they're my guard
Give me power to say no
Give it to me so i can decide where i go.
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PoetryNur ein paar lyrische Texte die ich von Zeit zu Zeit schreibe. Die einen ganz gut die anderen eher weniger.