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Christine's POV

I sighed as I exited the car. I was worn out from a long day at work. I grabbed my bag and entered the house. As soon as I walked through the door, my daughter, Liv, ran to greet me. "How was your day?" I asked her, putting my bag down on the small table.

"Great," she replied, "we learned our multiplication table today," she said with a bright smile. "two times two is four," I laughed, taking her hand and walking to the kitchen where I was sure everyone would be. If only my son, Jake, was as enthusiastic about school as his sister. "Mom is here!" She yelled, running to her dad.

"Thank goodness mom," Jake says, "you have to sign my field trip form and talk to dad, so he can take me to the DMV to get my license," I just got here and that's all he wanted. He has been requesting to go to the DMV for weeks to obtain his driver's license. However, I'm not convinced he is ready; the kid is a terrible driver. 

"Hi Jacob, how was your day?" I asked him, rolling my eyes. "Hey honey," I said to my husband, Luke. I kissed his cheek softly. He smiled, got up, and moved the chair so I could sit.

"I'll make you a plate," he said to me. I nodded my head. It had been a while since I had sat down to eat dinner with my family. We were all very busy most nights. Luke was usually at the restaurant, and I was at work. We had set aside Mondays for family dinners, but we never seemed successful, as I was often on call. "Here, eat up," he said, placing the food in front of me. He made spaghetti and meatballs. 

"Thank you," I told him. "And Jake ask your dad yourself, I don't have time for that," I answered his question. "And I remember clearly stating you would not be going to the field trip until you brought your grades up," I added.

"But mom," he started.

"But nothing," I said, "your grades need to be As and Bs, or you are not going anywhere."

"But I only have one C; I promise I'll bring it up before the field trip," he frowned.

"That's what you said last month; it's still a C," I replied to him, "my answer is no. Don't ask your dad to sign it because I already told him about it. No forging signatures because I already called the school," I declared.

"That's not fair, mom," he groaned. I smiled; I had heard that sentence numerous times, and it brought joy to my heart every time it came out of his mouth. "Please let me go on the field trip; I promise to do better next quarter."

"We all know that's a lie," I stated, "today was wonderful so I will be nice," I told him. He smiled expectantly, waiting for my condition. "You can go on the field trip," I said, and his smile grew even wider. "But," I added, "you'll have to pay for it yourself." His smile quickly faded, and he looked disappointed. He couldn't afford the almost thousand-dollar trip cost. He didn't have a job, and saving enough money in time was impossible.

"That's impossible," he said. I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite of the spaghetti. "I cannot get a job in time," he added.

"You'll never know until you try," I said. His father and I thought it was time he took on some responsibilities. "I'll pay you to babysit your sister on the weekends," I told him. He nodded his head.

"How much?" He asked.

"$5.95 an hour since you get tips. It is a privilege to sleep here, not a right," I told him. Luke chuckled, shaking his head.

"Come help out at the restaurant after school," Luke offered, "I'll pay you." I turned to look at him. "You can earn $100 per week," he said.

"Thank you, Luke," he replied, "and no thanks to you, mom."


"He has a C in English; it has always been one of his toughest subjects. You think it should keep him from going on a field trip?" Luke pleaded as he exited the bathroom in our bedroom. 

"They're threatening to kick him out of the Academy," I informed him. He needed to improve at his school and get into a good college.

"You and I both know he does not like that school, so would getting kicked out be the worst thing?" he asked. I sighed and leaned on the dresser, not replying to him. It's true he did not like it, but his father, Juan, and I agreed it was best for him. It was an excellent school, had great teachers, and he was receiving the education of his life. "He'll never get the money in time," he added. I would pay the rest for him, but I just wanted him to do something for himself for once.

"Yeah," I said after a while. "Can we please not talk about the kids tonight?" I asked him. He nodded his head, "how are things at the restaurant?" I questioned. I turned to look at myself in the mirror. I took my hair out of its bun and ran my fingers through it.

"Fine," he said, "I don't want to talk about work tonight," he approached, pulling my back towards him. He moved my hair out of the way and kissed my cheek; he then stared at me in the mirror. "I miss you," he expressed. "I feel like we barely get to see each other. Tomorrow, I want to take you out on a date. Just the two of us, no kids, no job," he said. I shook my head; he turned me around, lifting my body to sit on the dresser, getting in between my legs. 

He smacked his lips against mine roughly; he started to unbutton the blouse I had on slowly. He succeeded; he quickly took it off me and started to make love to my neck. My phone started ringing, he continued to kiss me, I grabbed the phone that was next to me to see it was the hospital. "Who is it?" He questioned me but did not bother to stop what he started.

"Work," I replied, letting out a sigh.

He groaned, "don't answer it," he whispered.

"You know I can't do that," I said. He pulled away and looked at me. I answered the telephone. It was one of the ER nurses saying someone had an accident and needed neurosurgery. I hung up the phone, "I have to go," I told him. He nodded his head, and I knew he was angry about it. We tried to avoid discussing how demanding my job was and how I was barely home. I knew he tried to be supportive, but somehow, I believed he would be tired of it all one day. "I promise I will be all yours tomorrow," I kissed his cheek and got up, throwing my scrubs on.

"Yeah," he said, barely in a whisper. I grabbed my stuff and strode out of the room, ready to perhaps save someone's life.


Could you ever be with someone with a demanding job? (Doctor, Lawyer, Judge, etc...)

Au Revoir...

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