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Freddy's POV:

It's been about a week after we discovered that Foxy is back in action and fully functioning and honestly i don;t know how I even survived in this place before him. Like sure Chica and Bonnie are great don't get me wrong, but something about Foxy is so unique. He is like a little kid in a candy store, and he has expressed to me how happy he is to have finally left that lonesome cove. I am happy to see he is doing well and it wouldn't hurt to check up on him right... I lurk up to his cove and pull back the curtains and see him sitting their fiddling with his hook. He glances up at me and a smile instantly pops onto his face. "Hey ya Fred how has life been treating you" Foxy says as he holds his hook up examining his work (he was cleaning his hook).  "Good, how about you?" I say as I sat down beside him. "Good." Foxy says in a shaky voice, I glance over at him to see if he is okay. I notice he's blushing slightly and it makes me blush and I become aware of how close we are and how our arms are pressed up against each other. I just stare at foxy and its silent, it wasn't necessarily awkward silences. It was just silence. Foxy starts staring at me too, and I look into his big yellow eyes he is so- my train of thought is interrupted by Bonnie bursting into the cove. Me and Foxy quickly scoot away from each other and Bonnie plops right down in between us. Bonnie lays his head on my shoulder and says "Hey Fred bear can I talk to you.. In private." I stand up and Bonnie stands up as well. I glance over at foxy and noticed he looked a little worried and was staring at the ground in front of him. Bonnie then grabs me by the arm and leads me outside of the cove. "Whats the deal Bonnie?" I say in a slightly annoyed voice. "You and Foxy have been getting real close these past few days..." Bonnie says avoiding eye contact with me. I then have a little flash back moment to when me and Foxy were staring into each others eyes, it was truly magical-. Bonnie snaps his fingers in front of my face snapping me out of the trance I was in"Earth to Freddy?" Bonnie says slightly agitated. "Why would it matter if we were getting close, he's actually pretty cool." I say and cross my arms "And listen Bonnie, I ended things a long time ago with you so please stop acting like we're together." I say. Bonnie raises his eye brows and quickly brushes past me and storms off into the kitchen, surely to vent to Chica like he always does. I glance at the entrance to the cove and notice a yellow glowing eye through the curtains, the eye swiftly moves away when I notice it. I smile to myself and rub the back of my neck, ugh what is happening to me......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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I love you to the moon and back~Foxy x Freddy storyWhere stories live. Discover now