My Absent Mind

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05 | My Absent Mind

Alex Turner on the radio

and he sang that line

that you always hummed in my ear

"it's getting harder and harder to get you to listen"

lyrics hanging in the air like a silent plea

rolling off your tongue like a prayer

why did i not listen?

you tried to tell me.

i'm a goddamn fool

my thoughts are darker than my five o'clock shadow

and the purple bags under my eyes

Alex Turner on the radio

and he sang the line that reminds me of you

that i can't get out of my head

it lingers at three AM

when i reach for your side of the bed


because you haunt me like a fucking apparition.


So, I thought I'd do something different and write from the point of view of a guy. Actually, this is a snippet from the mind of a character (he likes to jot down stuff like this for a girl who will never read it) I'm developing for a book I'm working on.

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