Unspoken Pasts Chapter 2

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I know it's later that it was supposed to be, but still.  You'll have to get used to it, school starts soon.


When I return to the training grounds the next day, Gai has a mission for us.

No one else asks, so I suppose I will.

"Would you mind sharing the details of our mission with us, Maito-sensei?"

Tenten flashes me a look, as Gai swells with happiness.

"Today we are going to garden the youthful city park, my youthful student!"

I nod respectfully, and Lee starts shouting, but the other two sigh.

Tenten's head snaps up to me.

"We're going to take the chuunin exams this year. You better not slow us down."

My head twitches slightly in her direction.

"Of course. If you don't mind, do you have a last name?"

She flushes slightly and glares.

"I don't want to tell you. You don't need to know."

My eyes narrow in amusement, and I nod once.

"Then would you mind so terribly if I called you by the name of 'Ama-san'?"

She turns to follow Gai, so I don't imagine she has a problem with it.

I walk carefully behind her, placing my feet delicately on the ground.

Civility does not mean trust.

My distrust is rewarded when I jump away from a well placed blow to the spine.

It would have paralyzed me for a while with all the chakra surrounding Neji's hand.

"Are you in need of something, Hyuuga-san?"

His eyes narrow, and he continues walking.

I walk carefully again, this time behind the entire team.

Gai doesn't turn around, although I'm sure he heard the commotion.

Perhaps he believes I handled it without him.

More likely he believes that I need to show my abilities, and this is the easiest way.

It does not matter.

We are entering the park, and I see many boxes of plants for us to get to.

Gai turns to us.

"Everyone will take a different corner, and I will take the middle."

That is perhaps the first sentance he has said without the word 'youth' in it.

I nod and go to grab three boxes of plants.

Balencing one on my head, I take another under each arm, and go to the southern corner.

The park is not big, and so we can easily see and hear each other.

The sun is high in the sky, so I start under a tree.

Tenten uses her weapons to dig holes in large quantities, while Lee uses his strength.

Neji uses his Sixty-four Palms technique, and Gai once again uses strength.

Although they seem completely absorbed in their work, I know they are watching me.

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