Unspoken Pasts Chapter 20

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Yo.  Just wondering, is there something I've missed that supports Gaasaku?  I understand Naruto and Sakura, but Gaara?  Hmm, no.


The next day, Gai has called a training session.

The team has been giving me some looks, I must look horrible.

I'm not surprised.

First I nearly died, then I spent all night meditating.

But I feel wonderful.

The fact that I'm exhausted doesn't make me cranky, I feel better than I've felt all year.

"Today we're going to work on anything you need to work on!"

Since it's an odd number, I go off to the side and start meditating again.

Neji and Tenten train together and Lee is with Gai.

My meditation goes smoothly, and I loose myself in it until my name is called.

"Hikami-chan! Come train."

Neji flicks his head.

It's enough to get me lowering myself to the ground before pushing off to go.

He activates his byakugan, and I sigh.

I won't stand a chance unless I can see with both eyes.

Pushing my hair behind my ear, I stand dazedly.

He comes charging at me as I take a better stance.

Neji jabs at me repeatedly, I just continue dodging.

I control my hair with chakra, despite the fact that it uses none.

It's like an extention of my chakra system.

Since I haven't slept at all, my chakra hasn't repenished.

I don't have enough chakra to radiate through it.

So I can't use it and I must dodge instead.

Another thing about not sleeping, just a coincidence, I'm exhausted.

Three senbon in each hand, unpoisoned, of course, I stay away from those dangerous hands.

He moves too far, I flick the senbon, creating three deep wounds.

They won't kill him as long as he doesn't actively try to bleed him.

I paused too long, he's got me.

The only thing I hear is him announcing the attack.

Even with my dragon eye, I can't see anything from the pain.

So I close my eyes.

Listening to his movements, I follow his hand and block it with my senbon.

The thirty two strikes woke me up.

We dance for a while, him striking and me blocking.

My heart is having some trouble beating, probably from the attack.

Even if I don't have chakra, having my points blocked is painful and dangerous.

My stomach churns and I stop moving.

"One mome-"

My eyes open sightlessly as he finishes his sixty four palms.

When he's finished, I drop onto my knees, than my face.

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