Take back what once was mine

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-Natsu pov-

I walk out of the infirmary and look at the guild, I see projection.
Lucy is tied up in chains, and next to her is cloaked figure.

"Give us the mate of the queen, and no harm shall be done to her." Said a man.

I growl, "We don't know who the queen is." Said Erza.

He laughs, "This is the queen. So give us the king, and no harm shall come to her."

I freeze. 'I'm a king?'' I ask myself. My ears twitch when I hear Lucy moan in pain. I growl.

"Let her go." I say.

"So that is the alpha. My dear you could have chosen a better man, like me." He said as he looked at Luce.

I growl louder when he touches her. I feel Luke and Nashi tense up and I hear them growl.

"And you changed some kids too. Or are they your kids?" He said looking at Nashi and Luke.

"Changed. I'm infertile. But that is good cause then you won't ever get me pregnant. And I won't ever be your mate." She said growling at him.

Nashi and Luke freeze, I pet their heads and whisper, "Thats a lie, she just doesn't want you two to get hurt."

Nashi and Luke smile and nod.
I looi back at the guy and see him getting closer to Lucy. I see Lucy give me a frightened look. I growl as he gets closer.

Then pain rips through me as he kiss Luce on the lips. I can see her trying to break free of him. The pain disappears and he is bleeding on the lip. He glares at her and slaps her, causeing her to pass out.

"Let her go!" I say.

He laughs and says. "No. But you can come here and stay." He says.

I glare, "Fine."

He gives me a location and tells me to come alone. Pffft, ya right. I tell Erza to follow behind me as I leave. Nashi and Luke start to follow, and I push them back.

"I want you to stay here. I don't want you to get hurt."

"But I wanna help save momma!" Says Nashi.

Luke nods with determination. "But Momma would want you to stay safe." I say.

I watch as they slowly nod in defeat. They stand next to Master and a few guild members. I growl when I see Storm blushing as he looks at Nashi.

I walk away, going to get back what once was mine. 'I am sorry Luce. I'm coming to get you, and I will never let you go again.' I say as I look at the sky.

-Lucy pov-

I wake up after I was slapped and see that I am in a thrown room. The room is filled with gold and diamonds. My eyes widen as I see that their are other werewolves in the room. They are all looking at me.

"Why are we here?" I ask the closest one to me.

"So the king and the queen can become mates." Says the black wolf.

I shake my head. "I already have a mate." I say.

"The hunter is killing the King." Says a white wolf to my left.

I growl and then remember what the hunter had said. "Untie me." I say.

The wolves shake their head. "We can't, we can't change back into our human forms. And plus we fear the hunter."

I sigh and nod my head. I hear the door open. I look up and see a man with blond hair and green eyes. I then smell the familiar scent of the hunter.

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