Kenny x Reader

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Be ware this story has my goddamn OC-and this story is short as hell—


Kenny McCormick x Reader

3rd Person POV

Today just like the normal day in South Park. Nothing knew really.. Kenny walk to the bus stop and listen to Kyle and Cartman barks at each other as usual. Kenny sighed.

{Time Skip~ to school}

Kenny and his gang walk to their lockers and grab things for their 1st period. As Kenny was walking to his class he heard something about the new kid coming to this school. Kenny didn't care much he just keep walking to his class.

"Hey, Kenneth." Darkly waved. Ah, Darkly Broflovski.. Kenny's ex-girlfriend. "Hey Dark." Kenny muffled and waved. "Have you heard about the new kid? If I'm not wrong, I heard her name was (Y/n) ,I guess?" Darkly said.

"Oh." Was all he said, well actually muffled. Kenny and Darkly keep walking to the class suddenly someone bump into Kenny and made the person who bumped fall backwards.

(Y/n)'s POV

I bump to some guy that wear an orange parka with a blonde haired, his hood covering his face so we wouldn't see his features so well.

I realized I was staring at him for a few minutes then he said, actually to be correct, Muffled. "Oh shit! I'm sorry. I didn't see where I was going." He pull out his hand. "Here" he muffled. I gladly took his hand and he help me up. "Thanks.." I blushed. He give me a thump up.

I smiled, I kinda noticed he has a small blush on his cheeks when I smile at him. Then I also notice the girl behind him was smirking at the sight of the orange parka boy blushing.

"Hey there. You must be the new kid (Y/n), correct?" The raven-haired girl that's wearing a lots of black likes the emos in the back of the school said. I nodded at her guess.

"My name's Darkly. Darkly Broflovski." 'Darkly' introduced herself. Then she pointed to the orange parka boy. "And this is-" she was cut off by the orange parka boy. "I'm Kenny. Kenny McCormick. What a coincidence to meet a pretty lady like you~" he said, taking my hand and kiss them. I blush at his behavior.

"Ooh~ Kenneth the Flirter is back, huh?" Darkly state. "..Shut up..." Kenny muttered quietly. I giggles at his sudden behavior change. He seem to blush harder.

"Anyways we should hurry to class, we might be late if we play around any longer." Darkly said. Me and Kenny nodded and walk to the 1st period.

{Time skip~ to lunch}

Darkly asked me to come and sit with her and her friends (Brighty, Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny.) which I said ok. (A/N: Brighty is my best friend's OC.)

I was sitting next to Kenny eating my lunch that my mom made it for me. Which is two sandwiches and a milk. I notice that Darkly was sharing her lunch with Kenny. I was confused why tho.

"Um, Darkly, I wanna know, why are you sharing your lunch with Kenny?" I had the courage to ask her. She was going to answer my question but she got cut off by the fat boy.

"Because he's poor as heck and Darkly feels pity for him." The fat boy that known as 'Cartman' or what Darkly and Kyle called 'Fatass' said.

I can feels the demon glare that Darkly was giving to Cartman. I shiver at her dark aura that's starts growing darker. I guess the name 'Darkly' really suit her.

Darkly got up from her seat and she was going to walk to Cartman but Kenny stop her by grabbing her wrist and shook his head.

She then calm herself down so she wouldn't try to kill Cartman. Then she sit back down, crossed her arms and look away. We stay silent for a few seconds before she start answering my question.

"It's just.. Y'know.. he's poor and all. So he doesn't have much money to buy some food so I'm sharing mine with him.." she sighed, she have a little piss in her voice.

I heard Cartman snickers, I could feels the same demon glare from Darkly to Cartman. But this time is burning. Hard.

When I look at Darkly she remains calm, her face stay emotionless like the the raven-haired boy that wearing chullo hat whose seem to get in trouble by flipping  teachers off.

She don't look mad at all right now she still remains calm. The silence took over for a few minutes, then she go back to eating her lunch with Kenny. Weird.

{Time Skip~ After School}

Darkly asked me to go to Kenny's house with her. The answer is 'Ok' . Since I had nothing better to do.

Now Me, Darkly and Kenny were walking to Kenny's house in silence. No one seem to break the silence. Till we arrive at Kenny's house that seem really broken down.

Kenny's open the door , he and Darkly was greets by small bear hugs from Kenny's little sister, Karen.

"Hello Kenny, hi Darkly!" Karen said. She then look at me and said. "Who's this Kenny? Your future girlfriend?" She giggles. Kenny face is a bit red.

"K-Karen! That's n-not it!" Kenny said, turning more red if possible. "Pfft-!! Even she thought the same!" Darkly laughed so hard she can't even breathe for a second. I blushed and giggles lightly. Kenny look likes a tomato now.

{Time Skip~ When Darkly went home, Karen is sleeping, (Y/n) and Kenny are in his room, playing video games}

3rd Person POV

We're out of games to play, so we just laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Then suddenly Kenny broke the boredom or a 'Staring at the ceiling' activity.

"Hey.. um, (Y/n).... I have something to confess..." Kenny said, blushing a little. (A/N: I know I come too soon, but I'm running out of ideas, sorry-)

"Yes..?" (Y/n) said, tilted her head to the side a little. "I... uh, know that, this might be too sudden and you might hate me for the three words I'm gonna say, but....." Kenny paused, looking away.

"Kenny...?" She said, worried that what he'll say will be bad news or something. Kenny turn his head back to (Y/n), then said. "I... I love you..!" (Y/n) was surprised and she was blushing hard.

"I... I know you don't like me that way... but, I really do love you! You just... so different from the other girls I have ever met!" He said. Now (Y/n) is speechless, his sweet and romantic speech stunned her, her face is burning like hell.

Kenny was waiting for rejection holding back his tears. But instead, he heard the words he didn't expected. "I l-love you too, Kenny." (Y/n) said, looking away.

Kenny face lit up and he jumps to (Y/n) and cuddled on to her, smiling like an idiot that got a new girlfriend. Kenny kissed (Y/n) head lightly, but lovingly.

"Be my Girlfriend?" He asked, smiling. "Sure, why not?" (Y/n) said, smiling also.


So how is it? Suck? Lame? Worse story you ever read? I know, I know. Anyways, that's the end of Kenny x Reader. You might asks,
Where have you been?

Why it's took you so long?

Are you Ga-
Oh wait no, that's not even a question about why I haven't updated. Okay, here's the reasons,
1. I'm sooo busy 'cuz of my stupid school works
2. I'm not in the mood
3. I'm totally a lazy asshole
4. And the last, I can't think of anything anymore, my brain is small than an ant.

Anyways, see you guys next time! Next up is..... actually I didn't thought of that yet.. well shit. I'll thought about it. So,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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