1.5 | The Wonders of Dungeon Hunting!

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A little filler chapter and a bit more world building before we fully enter the world of BNHA. :)


"AAHH!" You screamed as you were dropped down from a tall height, not really prepared as the floor of your room suddenly disappeared beneath you. You barely just managed to close your eyes and brace yourself for the impact before you hit a big pile of leaves that thankfully cushioned your fall. You groaned, rolling over to lay on your stomach. Confirmed, curiosity kills. Thank goodness you're half-cat. You've still got a lot lives to spend.

~~~a few minutes before~~~


ou stared at the ceiling. It's already 2 a.m and you still can't bloody sleep! Excitement was eating at you and you need to do something to pent out the excess energy somehow...

Suddenly, a thought entered your mind. In every fanfic you read about gamer aus, there's always a dungeon or place where you can level up, get amazing drops and fight monsters! But usually though, there are different ways to activate those dungeons. You sat on your bed, your tail hanging lose on your lap. Okay, let's see. Does activating a dungeon need a verbal action, or just thinking about it will do?

'Enter dungeon'.

You waited. And waited. And waited. Okay... That didn't work. You can't give up now though so let's try speaking.

"Enter dungeon!" Minutes passed and you were still in your room. You furrowed your brows, disappointed. Hmm, maybe this fanfic doesn't have a dungeon?



You were shocked out of your skull as a large hole appeared underneath you and you fell into it, screaming all the way.



You irritatedly waved the dialogue box away, your fur still bristling at the scare. That was not fun at all! Now, where were you?

You were in the middle of a forest, really huge trees crowding over you. Healthy green grass tickled at your feet, forcefully reminding you that you're barefooted and still wearing your AllMight! pajamas. The air was cool and pretty refreshing and you took a big inhale of it, letting it fill your lungs. The sun shone in your eyes, disorienting you for a moment as it was still night time when you were in your room. Well kind of.


[ Secret Main Task

Enter a dungeon successfully completed! You've received 100 EXP, and +1 to all your stats!]

[Completing the main talk also unlocked side quests! Finish the side quests to get fantastic rewards!

Side Quest no. 1

- Find a green slime monster

Side Quest no. 2

- Kill five green slime monster

Side Quest no. 3

- Collect 50 green blobs]

Wow, that's a lot of info to take in! And yes, of course, the generic slime monster will be your first opponent. You gathered that the green blobs you need to collect are drop offs from the slime. Getting hyped up, you began to follow a random dirt road, your tail swishing behind you. You used observe to anything that caught your eye and was a little amused at the comedic descriptions.

[Large tree - an ordinary tree with a large, brown trunk, widespread branches and healthy leaves

Well what're you lookin' at? I'm just an ordinary tree minding my own business!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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