•Don't Speak•

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(Plot Summary: a typical one you would read in any one shot book: one where they're best friends and something gets in the way of their friendship)


You had known Luke Alvez for a few years now. You two had met when you first joined the BAU unit of the FBI 3 years ago, and he had just joined the year before you. Not long after you joined, you had gotten close with this guy who doesn't open up to a lot of people very often. You guys were 2 close to the hip and had your own special friendship. It was kinda similar to Morgan and Garcia's, but all you guys would do was just flirt only. And hug. But then again, that was something you would do to everyone.

You guys would have a special tradition amongst just you two where either one of you guys would go to each other's house for dinner or to watch a movie and stay the night on the couch. But the bottom line was that you guys hung out at least once outside of work, and it's safe to say that both of you enjoyed each other's company.

Since you two were so close, you would know when something is up with the other person. But for some reason, you had no clue that Luke had gotten a girlfriend. You didn't sense anything wrong with his behavior, except when you caught him smiling when staring off into space. You would've asked him about that, but you just assumed that he was just thinking about Roxy, so you just let it slide.

About 5 months have passed into Luke's relationship. You guys would still talk during your guys' office hours and during cases to try and solve them quickly so all of you can get back home. But outside of work, Luke was practically nonexistent. You felt a longing for your best friend again. Every time you tried to ask him if he wanted to come over to watch a movie and order take out like you used to, but he would always reply that he can't because he's with Lisa, his gf. You wouldn't say it out loud, but you missed all of the times you would hang out with him. As much as he's a pain in the ass, he was your best friend. And best friends usually give you the craziest memories. But now you realize that he's something more to you; your 'lover.' You figured that you could get rid of these newfound feelings for him by retaliating what he does to you; not talking to you.

8 months have gone by and now you and Luke don't really have a chance to play catch up because of all the cases that you guys would solve and the paperwork that came after it. Communication with Luke outside of work was still basically nonexistent, and you would hope that he would text you, asking if you wanted to hang out again; but it never came. You didn't care at this point.

At work now, you would rarely speak to Luke. Every time he would try to make small talk, you would just formulate a quick response before dipping out of the conversation to busy yourself with something else. This didn't go unnoticed by the team though. Every time they would ask you personally or by putting you on the spot in front of everyone and in front of Luke, you would just wave it off and say, 'It's nothing.' They all gave you raised looks but didn't press you any further.

Almost 9 months have passed with this new tension between you and Luke and the team can't handle it anymore. While you were on a case on the West coast, the team had checked into a hotel with 4 rooms that had double beds. Everyone else had partnered up unbeknownst to you and Luke. Once you found out, you almost threw a fist. But you complied, knowing that you would have just one night with him again, and then you would go back to basically not talking to him.

You threw your items on the bed closest to the bathroom and groaned as you flopped on your bed. After lying for a few seconds, you unzipped your go-bag and grabbed your pajamas and your toiletry bag and made your way into the bathroom. You stripped off of your work clothes and threw on a pair of short shorts and a cropped skin-tight long sleeve before throwing your hair in a messy bun. You washed your face and made sure to get rid of all your makeup and you brushed your teeth shortly after that.

Luke Alvez One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now