•stand by you•

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(dedicated to anyone having family problems<3
Plot summary: everyone in the BAU notices that you're becoming more distant, and one time when you're on a case, you just break down and tell them what's going on with your family. They comfort you as best as they could and they tell you that they support you, especially Luke.)

Third Person POV

Your day was going just fine until you received a call from your brother during a case. You and your team were giving the profile to the officers when you felt buzzing in your back pocket. Taking out your phone, you see the caller ID.

You excused yourself as you went into a more quiet room and you closed the door before you answered.
"Hello?" You say into the phone.
"(N/N)? Can you hear me?" Your brother, Mark, was younger than you by only 4 years and he was the buffer between you and your mom. He's almost done with his time at college.

"Yeah, I can hear you. Why does it sound like you're whispering?" You question him, but he stays completely quiet.
"Mark, what's going on? You never call me. At least this early. What happened?"

"It's dad. He's in the hospital. He's not doing well." He speaks up after a long period of silence. You can almost picture him in the hospital.

"Okay hang on. I'm going to leave my work now. Where are you guys?" You tell him as you leave the room and you walk back to your workspace. You find the others going through papers but stop when they saw you walk back in.

"Where you've been?" Derek is the first to question you.
"You better not have been talking with that boy of yours." Rossi jokes with me, but I wasn't having it today.

"No, I wasn't talking with a boyfriend. I don't have one, anyway. Not that you would care." You sass, making the team raise their eyebrows.

"(Y/N), is everything alright?" JJ questions you with a soft tone. It's enough for your walls to crack so much. You feel tears streaming down your face now.

"Oh yeah." You pause to wipe your eyes, being cautious of your makeup. "Everything's great as you can tell."

You then proceed to your work area to grab your items and you were about to leave when Emily stood by your side.
"(Y/N), where are you going? We still have an unsub to catch."

"Can all of you guys stop asking me questions? Like please, back off." The girl raised her voice in front of her team, which was unlike her to do. Just as they gave her blank stares, Luke walks up to and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He calmly asks her. Her walls are officially broken as the tears flow more freely from her eyes. She starts sinking to the floor, but Luke catches her and wraps her in a tight embrace, not caring that runny mascara was all over his shirt.

"It's my dad. He's in the hospital." You say in between sniffs.
"What about him? How's he doing?"
"He's not doing so well." You say quietly.

The team gives you sympathetic looks.
"(Y/N), why didn't you say anything? Please, take all the time you need. But please check in with us as much as you can." Emily assures you. You nod as you wipe underneath your eyes and your nose and you grab your things.

The team watches you leave the police station and Emily pulls Luke aside.
"Is something wrong, Emily?" Concern is in his voice.
"No. I just want you to go with her. She's going to need some emotional support and based off of what I see in the office, you two are close." She states and he nods.

"Understood. I'll gather my things quickly." And after the male agent talks to the chief, he does grab his items and races to the front where he finds (Y/N) still in her car and she's just sitting there solemnly.

Luke quickly opens the door and climbs inside, making her jump a bit. "Jesus Christ, Luke. You scared the hell out of me." The girl puts her hand over her chest and tries to slow down her breathing.

"Sorry about that. But we should really leave now if we want to make it before visiting hours end." He states as he throws his things in the back and throws on his seat belt.
"What? What do you mean?"

"I'm coming with you, (Y/N)." The male simply states.
"Oh Luke, you really don't-"

"No, don't say that, (Y/N). You don't need to go through this alone. I love you too much to let you go through this alone." Luke openly admits it and places his hand on top of hers.

"Wait, what did you say just now? You love me too much?"
"Yeah, I said that. It's true. I don't want you to go through this alone. I'm willing to stand by you through the good and bad times." The male brings both of their hands close to his face and he kisses her knuckles.

"Now come on. I would like to meet this mother of yours that you're always boasting about." He smiles slightly, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"If that's not going to cheer you up, then I'll sing."

"No, it's okay! I'll take a rain check." She smiles at him and then starts up her car. They pull out of the lot and she gets on the interstate to go up north towards New York. (Y/N) knew that these were going to be hard times for her family and for herself. She wasn't sure if she would make it like last time.

She looks over to Luke who was sitting in her passenger seat and was humming a tune. She smiled softly to herself as she concentrated on driving on the freeway that they just got on. 

Just then, a song started playing on the radio. (Y/N) didn't pay any attention to it; Luke, on the other hand, was listening to the lyrics and he decided to turn it up, despite (Y/N)'s protests.

"Wait, just listen to the lyrics!" He begs, and she sighs. "Okay, fine."

"I'm going to stand by you
Even if we're breaking down,
We can find a way to breakthrough
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you.
Love, you're not alone..."

The driver looks at Luke with immense love in her eyes. "Luke, if I wasn't driving right now, I would kiss the hell out of you." She says with smiles at the corners of her mouth.

"Same goes for me." Luke then gets comfortable in his seat. He knows it's going to be a long while and hates long distance driving, but with (Y/N) right next to him, he likes it. In fact, he loves it and he wouldn't mind going on long car rides if it was just the two of them.

He understands that (Y/N) is going through a rough patch right now. And he will not run from her; not now because he truly loves her and he will stay.

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