Ugh school sucks. So there's this girl who is normally rude to me I will call her P. Anyways she was being nice to me for the last week for some reason. OK so I sit at this table and help people get breakfast cards (it's actually kinda fun because I made a lot of friends ^.^) and this girl I will call K was sitting in her spot so P sat in my spot and I sat in the chair next to her. She was being really nice and asked me how I was. Anyways on Thursday at recess P was like "Hey you can have your spot back." And said "Ok, thanks." So now it's Friday I walk in and try to sit down. There's a girl I'll call S sitting, then K, then P, then a girl I'll call A, then Another girl I'll call K, then another I'll call A. Anyways there's only 6 seats up there and they were all taken. (And I was asked by a teacher to sit up there.) 2 people weren't supposed to be there. P told me "You can't sit up here anymore the principal chose new people to sit up here." And then she fucking smiled at me because she knew I wouldn't ask the principal if I was still able to sit up there. So I had to sit in my line with no one to talk to besides this 5th grader which was 2 lines over. And here's the "greatest" part. While she was being nice to me I told her I liked sitting up there and it was fun. Oh god I'm so sorry... byeeee

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