A New Friend and Suspicion

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I JUST WANT TO SAY THANKS FOR THE 30K READS ASWKNGKEK MY LORD YALL ARE GREAT I love y'alls comments they make me laugh. Sorry for yeeting into the abyss, I'm kinda in a block right now, but I'm going to do my best for this chapter, so have fun reading. I've decided that if I want to release chapters, my 3,000 word rule will have to be changed so I stop torturing myself. I will now aim for 1,500-2,000 words per chapter. Thanks for cooperating :)

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Izuku felt highly unnerved. Well truly he felt nothing, but he felt he was supposed to feel unnerved. But he didn't care much, as he washed the blood off his skin in the shower, hanging his bleached vigilante costume to dry on a towel hanger. It was as if he was the most calm he'd ever been, letting the warm water and plumb scented soap reach into the cracks of his skin to pull out the life sustaining liquid of another monster. He didn't feel one bit guilty. They're all monsters, it was clearly visible to Izuku. Maybe he finally got the quirk he never had, but he decided that if it looked like a monster it was. And if it was a monster, then it had to die for the sake of justice and heroism, of course.

He used a towel the dry off the last of his body, slipped on a loose pair of striped pajama pants, and left his rippling abs and chest to air dry along with his hair. The knife he used was still bloodstained, sitting on his desk and being so incriminating he couldn't stand it. So he picked it up, chuckled at how small it was, remembered how that monster woman died, and started to laugh so hard he couldn't stand it. It was a happy hysteria, he struggled oh so much to stop giggling but finally calmed himself down, and dropped the knife into his trashcan, covering it with tissues.

Sure he might've been scared, but anyone would be, he just wasn't as scared. So he slept well that night, maybe a nightmare or two but Izuku couldn't care less if he woke up in a refreshing cold sweat. The next morning Inko asked how he was doing, and he turned to her sickening face and smiled as happily as he could.

"I'm perfectly fine."

* * *

As Izuku walked to school he noticed police and heroes of the like gathering at the place he killed that monster. They must be commending my efforts. He brushed by to see what was happening to find an investigation taking place. Oh. They don't understand I guess. It'll take time, but soon they will. Izuku got another glimpse before walking towards the school. He could've sworn he saw All Might, but there's no way.

At the school Izuku found his seat in the classroom, and was immediately surrounded by different monsters. First was Bakugou, obviously, asking why he texted him. Izuku replied with a shrug saying he didn't, then turned to Iida, Ochako, and Todoroki, who had a worrisome aura around them.

"Are you okay Izuku? You were freaking out pretty bad the other day." Iida asked. Izuku shook his head then smiled.

"Im fine. I was just- stressed. My mom took me to the therapist and we got things worked out." They stayed at their places in silence.


"Well, what did the therapist say?" Todoroki added. Izuku sighed and rolled his eyes. He disliked looking at faces such as those for so long.

"Nothing for you to worry about ok? I'm fine, class is about to start so I'd suggest getting back to your seats." They all seemed so apprehensive, but turned and left Izuku to himself. To which he took the time to ignore the teacher, and play through the events that happened the night before, snickering under his breath and smiling like one might when they're gifted a new car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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