The human and the demon

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D/N=different name
For consistency, I'm calling Sebastian 'Tom' in this chapter, since Sebastian isn't his real name and yada yada. It is homeboy Sebby but in the 1300's rather than 1800's. It's the same concept for your character.
Also, also, 100 followers! Thank you so much!

"Tom!" The (hair/coloured) girl waved from the market square. She left her father's side and hurried to the man on the other side of the road who returned her smile.

"D/N, I'm surprised to see you up this early." He smiled softly. D/N grinned, "Well, we finally saved enough money for a proper roast dinner so Dad and I are out buying the ingredients!" She sighed dreamily, "Ahh~ it's been so long since I've had a roast chicken... I can already smell it..."

'Tom' chuckled, "Last Christmas wasn't it?"

"Last Christmas." She confirmed with a dreary sigh, "Say, Tom? Won't you come over tonight and eat with us?"

"As much as I'd love to, I'm afraid I have-"

"Quite the schedule?" D/N finished, "honestly you need to get more creative with your excuses. It's getting hard not to take your avoidance personal, y'know?" She chuckled with a playful jab to Tom's side, however she couldn't hide the fact that she was a bit hurt.

"I know, and I'm sorry, D/N." Tom ruffled the girl's hair.

"So is there a reason you never come round? If it's my family - I know my Father's a bit stern-"

Tom shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing to do with you."

'It's because I should never have gotten close to you in the first place.'

D/N placed a small kiss on the taller male's cheek, standing on her tiptoes to do it. She took  his arm and grinned, "This Christmas, okay?"

He smiled and took her smaller hand in his, bringing it up to his lips, pecking her nuckles tenderly, "I promise."

"D/N! We're going!" The girl's father called from among the crowd.

"Coming!" She called back, "See ya, Tom."

"Have a safe trip home." He said, but D/N didn't go anywhere, "D/N?"

"Man! If only my boyfriend was coming with me!" D/N heavily sighed, "Then he could make sure I was safe on the way home and also stay for dinner today!"

A few moments passed, with D/N waiting expectantly beside Tom and Tom looking rather amused. D/N slowly looked up at Tom with pleading eyes. He chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Get out of here."

"D/N!" Her Father bellowed. D/N turned around frantically, "A-Ah Coming, Father!"

As she was running through the crowd, Tom heard her shout out to him, "CHRISTMAS, OKAY?!"

Tom shook his head with a slight laugh, Christmas it would be.

He dawdled around the market for a while. Two years ago, he came to the mortal realm out of boredom. He decided to see if humanity had become smarter, or if they still relied on God. Amusingly to him, it was the latter. He found it quite pathetic.

It was a Sunday and a Church service had just finished. He lurked around, curious as to what the inside of a church looked like. It was then he ran into a young girl, quite literally as the girl was thrown onto the ground.

"Oh, I am sorry, Miss." He apologised with a painted smile and reached out his hand. The girl took it, shaking with humiliation, "No, I'm sorry, I should've been looking where I was going. Oh, are you new in town? I haven't seen you before." She asked.

'Chatty.' The demon thought.

"I'm just visiting."

The young girl looked up at him, and around to the church and back to him, "If you were planning on going to church, you've just missed the service."

The man faked a chuckle, "Oh I wasn't going."

She raised an eyebrow, "Really? It's Sunday."

"Yes I do know what day it is." He said, a slight bit of distaste in his tone, "Yet I'm sure God will let me off just this once."

The girl smiled, "Yes, the Lord is very kind in his ways. Just make sure you don't miss next week's service."

"D/N dear? Who are you talking to?" Her mother called from down the road.

"Nobody, Mother!" She called back. She ran a few paces before turning back to the man with a smile, "Oh, my name is D/N! Would you mind telling me yours?"

He didn't think of a name. He didn't plan on making acquaintances. He scanned through his mind, recalling all the names he'd heard, "It's... Tom."

She waved, "Goodbye, Tom! Sorry for bumping into you!"  Then she ran down towards her parents.

And that's all it took. Fast forward two years and he had fallen in love with the girl, and he hated it. Tom had fallen for a girl who devoted her entire body to God. It was ridiculous.

Every time he tried to build distance, she appears again to thwart any hope of him leaving.

He had one last idea to be rid of her. And that was to reveal his true form. The enemy of her saviour. He could not let this relationship continue. It was a disgrace.

But how wrong he was.

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