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The next day the team started trying to track down Order of Gray again knowing none of them would be safe till they were stopped.

Knock Out, Starscream and Ratchet stayed at the scrapyard with the humans. To protect them if any more Decepticons showed up.

"So Blake any thought on who you want your guardian to be?" Asked Ratchet.

"Yes I'd like it to be Knock Out." Blake replied. "He seems like a really cool Autobot." "And we've been talking and we have a lot in common and I think we'd make a good team."

"Happy to be of service." Knock Out told him having become fond of the human and agreeing to be his guardian.

Just then the computer beeped and it turned out to be a call form Cybertron. It was Springer telling them the Decepticon had come to Earth through their Space bridge that they had repaired.

"Oh great now Galvatron and his team are here too as if we didn't already have enough to deal with." Said Starscream.

"Well at lest we know to be ready for them." Ratchet told them as they all continue to hang out at the scrap yard.

Meanwhile Galvatron and his Decepticons were at an old steel mill where they had made their base.

"Now we will take over this planet and claim it for the Decepticons!" Bellowed Galvatron.

"All hail Galvatron." The Decepticons kept cheering.

"You want to take over Earth sorry but none of you will live long enough to do so." Said Thundertron the leader of the Star Seekers as he approached Galvatron. "For me and my Star Seekers will eliminate all cybertronians and that includes all of you."

"You will do no such thing because you are the ones who will be destroyed." Galvatron shot back. Then it was all out war between the Decepticons and Star Seekers.

Steeljaw and Sandstorm were battling it out in one part of the steel mill while Cannonball and Shockwave were struggling in another. And all the other Decepticons and Star Seekers were beating the scrap out of each other and it was complete chaos.

The two leaders Galvatron and Thundertron were fighting each other to a stands still.

"We will never stop until Cybertron is no more and all you cybertronians both Autobots and Decepticons alike will pay for abandoning us to the emptiness of space!" Thundertron yelled as he and Galvatron clashed.

"No when this is over and the dust clears it will just be the Decepticons left standing!" Galvatron screamed at him.

The battle continued for hours and both sides refused to give in even an inch.

"No!" "You win I surrender!" Said Galvatron throughing down his energon sword. "Your just to powerful for me."

"I thought you'd see reason." Thundertron gloated as he turned around to face the rest of the Star Seeker and Decepticons in victory. But suddenly heard a blast from behind him and looked down to see he had been shot through the spark chamber.

"Oh I'm sorry did you actually think that was a genuine surrender?" Mocked Galvatron as he transformed his arm cannon back into his fist. "The thing you must always remember about us Decepticons is that we're deceivers."

Thundertron could only stair at Galvatron a minute before he fell over dead having his spark destroyed. And the rest of the Star Seekers were easily taken out and now only the Decepticons still functioned.

Suddenly Galvatron heard someone clapping. And turned to see a figure walking out of the shadows.

"Not bad you truly are a Decepticon but you are not the true leader of the Decepticons." Said a voice.

"I'll have you know I am the leader of the Decepticons and the most powerful!" Galvatron hissed in anger. "Who dares to say otherwise?"

"Me the true leader of the Decepticons." Said the figure who emerged from the shadows and revealed himself to be Megatron.

"We'll see about that we'll have a fight and the one who prevails will be the rightful leader of the Decepticons!" Galvatron cried as the two of them clashed.

It was an even match. As they continue to fight with their energon swords. Until Galvatron's sword was knocked out of his servos.

"OK I yield." Galvatron groaned. Only for Megatron to stab him knowing he might be pulling the same trick he did on Thundertron. Galvatron fell to the ground as his optics stopped glowing.

Megatron saw that he was still alive and had just gone unconscious from the amount of damage he'd taken. And order the others to take him to the med bay thinking he make a good second in command and that it would be a shame to let such a great warrior die.

"All hail Megatron." The Decepticons cheered. Then Megatron went off saying he wanted sometime alone.

He walked to a part of the forest where a metal being with tentacles was waiting for him.

"Very good I now have control of the Decepticons and the Star Seekers are no more I thought they would be to weak to help me with my plan but now I have the stronger group under my control thanks to you." Said the being.

Who had sent the Star Seekers to fight the Decepticons wanting to have control of the stronger side who came out on top and getting ride of the other.

"Now I just need to sway Order of Gray to help me and find a way to deal with the Autobots and get what I need from them." The being continued. "Then I will awaken my master and destroy Cybertron then me and my master will rule the universe."

"Noo!" Megatron screamed as he held his helm.

"Your resisting my control again." The being told him then she put her hand on his helm floating up to it. "Now who is your master?"

Megatron tried to fight it for a few minutes but ended up giving in after a few seconds. "Quintessa!" He finally groaned as his optics turned purple.

"Good." Quintessa replied. "Now go lead the Decepticons and get me what I need from the Autobots."

Then Megatron went back to the Decepticons having been brainwashed again.

Later that night Order of Gray was working on what they were making with the remains of Arachnid and Stinger they had made a new body using parts of both of them and even added a robotic scorpion tail to it.

All thanks to the mysterious black haired woman.

"Thanks for all the help but I do like to know the names of my associates." Said Director Swan.

"Not yet." Replied the woman. "But in do time I'll answer all your questions."

"OK since your helping us so much I'll give you a pass." Swan told her.

"So what would you like to call it?" Asked the woman.

"Huh?" Director Swan looked confused.

"The Transformer what do you want to name your new weapon?" The woman explained and asked again.

"How about Widow Maker?" Director Swan decided.

"That's perfect for it." Agreed the woman who unbeknownst to Director Swan and Order of Gray was Quintessa.

To Be Continued.

Yeah I made Quintessa one of the main bad guys uh girls in this story. But you didn't see that one coming.

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