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Knock Out had just rejoined the battle against Unicron after leaving Blake at the scrapyard and returning through the space bridge.

He had been doing fine till a vehicon named Steve tripped and had a misfire with his blaster that ended up hitting Knock Out in the tailpipe. He was OK but the blast took out the breaks on his alt mode. So now he was driving and couldn't stop.

"Oh no oh no oh no!" "Everyone watch out!" Knock Out yelled warning everyone out of the way. "Hot Rod you might want to duck!" He added as he ramped off some rocks and sailed right over him.

"Knock Out what in the Allspark has gotten into you?" Asked Ratchet over the com-link.

"My breaks are out!" Knock Out explained. "Please help me before my finish is totaled!"

"OK I'm on my way." Ratchet told him and then started driving after him.

Then Knock Out had to swerve to miss Wildbreak who Ratchet did hit but luckily neither of them were hurt.

Knock Out continued speeding out of control until he hit Shockwave who had been about to shoot a Terrorcon and caused him to shoot at where Optimus and Predaiking were instead hitting Predaiking right in the tail.

Fortunately it caused Knock Out to stop and regain control of himself and then Predaiking turned to face him and Shockwave and Knock Out quickly pointed at Shockwave as if to say it was his fault. Predaiking just rolled his optics but when they weren't looking anymore he smiled actually thinking it was funny.

Then Ratchet ran over to make sure Knock Out, Shockwave and Predaiking were all OK and was glad to see all three of them were fine.

"Wow all that and not one scratch to my paint job this must be my lucky day." Said Knock Out.

Just then Wheeljack tossed a grenade at one of the Terrorcons who happened to be not to far from where Knock Out was standing and the red medic had to jump out of the way but still got hit by some small bits of shrapnel. He was fine but it made a mess of his finish.

"Scrap." Knock Out groaned looking at his scratched up paint job with a face that said why am I not surprised. Which got a laugh from all the Stuntiacons.

A few moments later Knock Out made his was over to where Shayna, Director Swan, Megatron and Starscream were and told them Blake was safe at the scrapyard and was going to be fine which they were all glad to hear.

"Wait who's this?" Asked Knock Out looking at Starscream having not seen his new body yet.

"You mean you don't recognize me Doctor." Starscream said to Knock Out playfully fringing a hurt look.

"Starscream your alive." Knock Out exclaimed now realizing the seeker before him was his best friend. "But you've changed.

"Just think of this as another transformation." Starscream told his friend.

Just then Arcee came over and was also surprised and happy to learn Starscream was alive. Then they started thinking of a way to get Shayna and Director Swan inside Unicron so they could trap his spark back in the container.

Just then Unicron fired another shot of energy aimed right at Starscream but Megatron suddenly pushed him out of the way but Megatron took a really bad hit from it. He wasn't hit directly but he was mortally wounded.

Optimus drove over to them after seeing what happened. And saw Megatron laying on the ground with half his body melted and his spark exposed. And Starscream quickly got up and he and Optimus rushed to the old warlord's side.

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