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He stares at me with kind eyes, clearly concerned at how I was sitting before. A smile tugs on the corners of his plump lips and he nods a little before sitting on the stool beside me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, his voice calm and caring.

I smile back at him, my eyes roaming over the perfection that is his face. His skin is beautifully golden, being complimented perfectly by the red hoodie draped over his strong shoulders.

"I'm-" I pause. "Better, thank you."

A full smile spreads across his face, his eyes closing into almost nothing as his blinding smile takes over his face. "I'm glad you're okay," he reaches his hand out gently. "I'm Park Jimin."

"Choi Taishi," I smile, taking his hand in mine. "Nice to officially meet you."

He chuckles. "I'm sorry for not speaking to you or looking at you yesterday. I guess I was so overtaken by your beauty that I was just flustered."

He did not just say that. Milkshake boy did not just say that to me.

I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks, and I struggle to hide it, my hands being slow to cover the embarrassment showing on my face.

"I'm sorry," he says again, his arm raising to itch the back of his neck awkwardly. "That was really cheesy."

I shake my head. "No," I mumble. "It's fine, I'm just not used to being complimented."

He places his hand gently on my chin, tilting my head so I'm looking into his eyes. "Taishi," he breathes, my name rolling off of his tongue smoothly. "You're absolutely breathtaking."

I look into his eyes, the soft gleam in them causing my heart to fall soft. He truly is stunning.

The bell to the diner rings and I'm quick to pull away from Jimin, clearing my throat as I run to the other side of the counter. I watch as Chul walks in, his eyebrow raising slightly as he sees mystery boy in front of me. Chul smiles.

"What can I get you?" I ask as I turn back to Jimin, a small smile still visible on his lips. "Strawberry milkshake?"

His smile grows wider. "You remembered."

"How could I forget?" I smile gently in return, turning to face the milkshake machine. Chul waits for me at the machine, smiling at me slightly as he makes kissy faces. I frown and walk towards him, beginning to make the milkshake to hide my conversation.

"Were you about to kiss lover boy?" Chul whispers as he scoots closer to me, trying not to cause attention to us.

A hot blush creeps onto my cheeks again. "No," I respond. "We were just talking."

"Uh-huh," Chul hums. "Talking three inches away from each other's faces."

I elbow him gently in the side, finishing up the milkshake and spraying it with whipped cream. Chul is still smiling at me, and I quickly spray his face with whipped cream before running back to Jimin with the milkshake, a large smile on my face.

"Your milkshake, sir," I say awkwardly, blushing at my choice of words.

Jimin smiles as he takes the milkshake from me. "Thank you, ma'am," he chuckles as he slips the straw between his lips. "You guys are a cute couple, by the way."


"You and the guy holding the pastries," he explains, gesturing to Chul who is still standing awkwardly behind me.

I laugh. "We've known each other for three days. We're not dating."

Jimin's eyes light up, but I can't perceive why they've done so. "Sorry about that."

"I'm too old for her anyway," Chul says as he walks towards us, placing the box of pastries down on the counter.

"By like two years," I scoff.

"I know you're not supposed to ask a lady her age," Jimin chimes in, awkwardly shifting his position on the stool. "But how old are you, Taishi?"


He nods and continues to drink his milkshake, pretending as if he didn't ask the question. I watch him, mesmerized at how his lips rest around the straw, gently holding it so he can drink the pink liquid. The way his hair falls and his eyes focus as he watches the liquid get sucked into the straw. The way his tongue slides across his lips as he tries to remove the excess liquid from them.

I blink and notice he's now staring at me, as is Chul. But Chul is smiling creepily.

"Can I ask you something, Jimin?" I ask as I lean on the counter, moving closer to him.

He nods.

"Why did you pay six times the original price of the milkshake you bought yesterday?"

He smiles and reaches into his pocket, sliding the same amount of money across the counter at me. "A tip for a pretty lady."

To say the least, Park Jimin is a sweet boy. But, to say more, Park Jimin is a huge flirt who could easily get any girl he wanted, especially with the help of his beauty and boyish charm. If anyone didn't fall for his looks, they would be crazy. His personality, on the other hand, is enough to make a girl melt on the spot.

I, to throw myself into the mix, I am falling for him more than I would like to admit.

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