Some good floof for your soul, dose include making out tho
3rd person:
Yao was waiting for his boyfriend Ivan to come over to his house, he sat on the couch watching through the window, he missed Ivan.
Finally, he saw his boyfriends car pull up into the driveway, Yao shot up and bounced on the couch softly. Ivan knocked on the door and Yao rushes over and opened it "Ivan!" He hugged him tightly, "hello my sunflower! I missed you so much!" "I missed you too!" They kissed eachother on the lips and Ivan groped Yao's Butt during the kiss, Yao grunted and looked up into Ivan's purple pools. "Don't do that!" He giggled pushing Ivan playfully, Yao didn't want sex, they did that last time they saw each other. "what do you wanna do Yao Yao?" "Not sure" they walked into the living room "let's make a pillow fort!" Yao said putting the cushions on the floor "ok!" They made a large fort with blankets and pillows with chairs stabilizing it. There was enough room for both of them to sit up. Yao cuddled up to him and nuzzled him "your being so clingy today my sunflower" "because I need you, I missed you so much" the fact Yao said that he needs Ivan made him smile, he loves knowing that Yao loves him more than anything. Yao kissed him deeply but softly, Ivan melted into the kiss and parted his lips for Yao and he obliged and put his tongue in Ivan's mouth, there Tongues slid together in sync as they kissed "nhg...Ivan" he moaned "oh Yao Yao" he reached his hands down to Yao's cute little butt and squeezed it, Yao giggled and kept kissing him, Ivan kept massaging his butt into the kiss. "I love you Ivan." "I love you too sweetheart." Yao pulled away wiping the saliva from his mouth "thank you for that Ivan" "you want to go further?" "N-no...sorry" Ivan smiled softly at him and caressed his cheek "don't be sorry, I wasn't gonna do if it you didn't want to." Yao sat up quickly making the large blanket fall off and the pillows, leaving them in a large pile of pillows and blankets. They looked at each other and started laughing "woopies!" They poked their heads out of the blanket "Ivan?" "Yes?" "I want you to spend the night with me" Ivan pulled Yao onto his lap, "Id love to,I'll stay as long as you want" "well I want you to stay forever" Yao said putting his face into Ivan's soft chest "I'm afraid I can't do that, I can't abandon my house" Yao looked up at him giving him puppy dog eyes and that made Ivan's heart melt "'ll stay for a couple weeks how about that?" "You mean it!?" "Yes, I have clothes in my car" Yao hugged him tightly "yay!" "My only goal is to keep you happy Yao Yao, the last thing I need to do is make you sad" "I'm so happy your staying." Ivan got up helping his little boyfriend up as well, he picked up Yao with him sitting on Ivan's arm as he held him close "I love when you hold me." "I know you do." Ivan reached over to his phone and turned on a song, he walked around the living room dancing with Yao in his arms bouncing him gently to the song. He set the black haired man down and danced with him "you know how to dance?" ivan asked "of course I do! I'm a pro at ddr!" He said stepping in the rhythm of Ivan. They danced to old music for a while and had lots of fun. It got late and Ivan turned of the music "I'm tired Ivan." "Let's get you to bed." He picked up Yao again and walked to his room "wow, it's a nice room" "thanks." Ivan set Yao on the bed covered by a red canopy, it reminded him of a princess room. "I gotta change." Yao sat up and pulled off his shirt, Ivan blushed and looked at Yao's chest "hey Ivan can you grab me a shirt?" He nodded and got Yao a large pink shirt and handed it to him "thank you baby." Yao took off his pants and underwear then put on the shirt, Ivan looking away to give him privacy, one he was done he flopped down on the large bed Ivan took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear. He tucked Yao in and pulled his hair out of the ponytail, he thought it was beautiful. He turned off the lamp and laid down with Yao in bed. Yao latched onto him wrapping his arms and legs around Ivan, ivan blushed and put his hand on the back of Yao's head "I love you yao." "Love you too" Ivan pulled Yao closely to his bare chest and snuggled him, ivan was a grown man but he likes holding onto Yao and knowing he's there, it helped him sleep, he needed Yao as much as Yao needed him. He laid awake as Yao was sleeping with his head rested on Ivan's chest as a pillow "adorable.." he thought to himself, he fell asleep on smelling the room that smelled strongly of incense and the noises of Yao's cute little breaths as he slept, it was comforting. He fell asleep and had his hands on his boyfriends beautiful body.
Ivan woke up in the morning to birds chirping and the more faded smell of Yao's incense burner. He looked down at his sleeping beauty, he looked so so cute to Ivan that he tried now to say "aww" out loud. He noticed the blanket wasn't covering Yao and he was cold, Ivan also got a view of Yao's entire butt making him blush, he pulled a blanket over his partners lower areas and smiled at him, ivan sat up next to him stroking his long black hair. Yao curled up in a little ball and grunted, Ivan stared at him in confusion from the noise. Finally Yao stretched all the way out and yawned "good morning sleepyhead." He said putting a hand on Yao's cheek "g-good morning" Yao got up on his lap and hugged him "are you hungry?" Yao nodded and held on tight as Ivan got up "don't worry I won't let you fall." He held him by his butt and carried him to the kitchen "why do you insist on carrying me everywhere?" "Because you are my princess da" Yao giggles and hopped down "then you'll be my prince!" The two went to the kitchen and pulled out ingredients for breakfast. After they ate breakfast they

More rochu (smut/fluff)
FanfictionI love this ship so much and I just wanted to make a little book of one shots for my enjoyment