The Borrowers au is so cute not gonna lie
Ivan had finished moving into a cabin in the woods by himself, it was him and his cat and he had just got out of college. He had help moving in from his big sister. Ivan unpacked all of his bedding and made his bed, making sure to have his favorite teddy bear on the bed at all times. He had a cup of hot tea with him and some cookies before bed. He laid down in his covers comfortably and read a book. Later on he heard his cat running around and meowing loudly. He walked out and looked at the cat "snowball What's with all the ruckus?" He asked picking his beloved kitty up. The reason the cat was going crazy is because he saw a tiny human, possibly a fairy. The little persons name was Yao and he had been living in the woods in this cabin long before ivan arrived "come on kitty, let's go to bed" he kissed the cats head and laid in bed with him. Yao on the other hand was hiding behind a bookshelf, he came out and looked around. He was carrying around a thumb tack as a knife he pulled out of the wall. He also was wearing a little red gown made of cloth and some little boots. His hair was tied up in a ponytail with a thread.
Ivan was trying to fall asleep but he let hearing small patters in the kitchen and his room "Ah, must be mice" he got up and set out a mouse trap putting a peace of an apple with peanut butter on it, because he had no cheese. He put it in the living room and went back to bed. Yao spotted the apple and came over to it very hungry "oh look! Food" he got on the mousetrap and squatted down to get it. Just as he had the apple in his hands, the mouse trap activated and caught him as well as injuring his leg "ow! Somebody help!!" He cried out. Years welled up in his eyes and he laid there not able to escape "I'm stuck! Help!"
The next morning ivan got up and went to make himself breakfast. He remembered the mousetrap and went to check it. What he saw he couldn't believe, it was a tiny human! He was not quite sure it was male or female but surely it was no mouse. He poked its head and gasped "oh my god....what the..." Yao sat up and saw ivan "ahhh!!! Please do not hurt me! I'm innocent! I'll admit it I did steal a sugar cube! Are you satisfied!?" Ivan stared at the little creature "I won't hurt you, your tiny!" "Please get me out of hurts..." Ivan nodded and got him out of the trap "I'm so sorry, it looks really bad let me get you a bandaid. It's the only thing that will fit" he got a bandaid and lifted Yao's injured leg. He accidentally saw up the gown and blushed "so your a male?" " peeking! My name is yao" "well I'm ivan" he smiled at yao and wrapped up his leg "now go easy on it, I can carry you around" he said cupping his hands for Yao. Yao got in and sat down him his hands
"So yao, where do you live?" "I live here. I have my whole life, I live beneath the house" "wow really?" "Yes until you human came and took my property. I may be little but I still have rights!" "I'm sorry, may I live with you? I can make you new clothes, Feed you, make you a little bed" "hm...ok sure..." Ivan smiles and set Yao on his shoulder "hold on tight little one, you might fall off" Yao looked down from Ivan's shoulder "that's a long drop...." "Yes it is" Ivan was very nervous about having a tiny human on his shoulder. "Are you hungry?" "I'm very hungry" Ivan set Yao down on the table and gave him little tiny pieces of bread "Is this good?" "Yes" "I can get you water as well hold on" Ivan got a teaspoon and put water in it and came back to yao "drink up" he held the teaspoon as Yao drank from it "Thank you for being so kind to me..." he said with a blush "Mhm, nobody deserves to suffer" Ivan said picking him back up "I bet your tired, I'll make you a bed and then go shopping for you ok? We We will be best friends!" Ivan took an empty jewelry box and filled it with tissues and put a soft wash cloth on it "here you go little one" "Ah thank you, I think I'm going to nap" yao Laid down and cuddled The wash cloth sleepily "Alright I'll be back soon, stay out of trouble" Ivan left to go buy some things for his new roommate, he went to the store and got little doll clothes, doll shoes, tiny furniture, and tiny food yao could easily eat like cereal and grapes. He came home later on and saw yao who was climbing up the blinds "what are you doing yao?" "Wha?- oh uh nothing" he smiled at Ivan. Ivan scooped him up in his hands gently and set him on the desk "look! I got you clothes, shoes and furniture!" Yao seemed very exited by this "really! It's so hard to find clothes when your 5 inches tall" Yao went through his new stuff then hugged Ivan's hand "thank you!" "Of course, make yourself at home little guy" he rubbed Yao's head with his finger and examined the small human "so do you have a family Yao?" "They have moved on, I was left behind" "Aw, that's sad" "Yeah....but I've been doing fine on my own. The roly polys are my friends now" he said with a positive smile "the roly polys?" "The bugs!" "Ohhh, that's adorable"

More rochu (smut/fluff)
Fiksi PenggemarI love this ship so much and I just wanted to make a little book of one shots for my enjoyment