The Beggining

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Ash fur Pov

I woke up. In my dusty nest. I try to slowly walk around the sleeping warriors, thinking about how much I hate it here. If only I could get out of here somehow...
I step over that stupid Brambleface guy... Whatever his name was anyway. I peer out of the den, I spot Squirrelflight talking to Firestar. I stretch my legs and lift my head to yawn. Brambleclaw stood behind me.
He hesitated for a moment, then walked around me and up to Firestar.
I looked at them and started walking towards A group of toms, but I was stopped by Brambleclaw.
"Hey, Ash! Uh, want to go on a patrol with me? Firestar needs us to watch out for Scourge." Brambleclaw asks.
I give him the "Death stare," and say
"Great, let's go." He says, smirking. What a weirdo.
We walked side by side for a bit. I felt the Ice break a little.
"Who is Scourge?" I ask.
"He's cruel, killed Tiger star, almost killed Firestar. Well, he did. Just the nine lives thing. He's in blood clan." he replied.
"Cool! I mean, you know.. Oh." I laugh.
He chuckles, then stops.
"I'll go hunt for prey near the trees." He says.
"I'll go near the two leg place." I say. He nods.
I turn towards the two leg area, and I let out a YELP.
"Scourge??" I ask.
The tom lifted his head and smirked.
"Yup. It's me." He says.
"What do you want.." I ask

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