1 - The Beginning (edited)

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Summer was in full force. 

      Out of my bedroom window, I watched as my packmates positioned rows of benches on the quadrangle. It was that time of year again, where wolves from the four most nearby packs came together to socialise, enforce our treaties, and meet our mates. Since I was a child, I had always associated the Gathering with summer and that memory held true today: the sun was blistering; the trees a burst of green; and bright flowers broke up the sea of viridescent grass.

      I should have been out there too, helping, but instead I watched on, a low rumble of dread in my stomach at the sight of it. It was only every three years that it became our turn to host and it was always a big deal when it came around. I hadn't been since last time it was held here, not bothering to journey to East or South Pack. It was harder to avoid now that it was in my back garden.

      A knock interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I said, eyes still trained on the window.

      "It's only me," my mother called from behind me. "Are you coming out?" She said it gently, like it was a sensitive topic, and I guessed it was.

      "There's no point," I said with a finality to my tone. I meant it, too, what use would I have at an event to find one's mate when I already have one?

      "You're the future Alpha, Mina, of course there's a point." A creaking noise finally managed to turn my head and I found my mother perched on the end of my bed, her face sympathetic. "It's important to represent the family. And maybe you could play everyone a piece."

      My eyes drifted over to my worn clarinet case. I loved it to pieces, almost quite literally looking at the state of the leather case, but it was a very personal thing for me. I rarely played in front of anyone, including both my family and boyfriend. The idea of playing it in front of strangers made my anxiety worsen.

      "And North Pack will be there this year, so they'll be enough gossip." She smiled a little in jest.

      I had totally forgotten that North Pack was coming this year. They only came every few years and with how rarely I attended I hadn't seen them in person before. As much as I hated to admit it, my interest was piqued. 

      "You can tell me all about it afterwards," I countered. She simply raised her eyebrows. "And I don't think it's fair to Callum either. I can already tell he's worked up about the whole thing."

      "And you know I think Callum's great but he's your potential mate, sweetie. Your true mate may still be waiting for you."

      That's what I'm afraid of.

      I wanted to say it out loud but I bit my tongue instead; Mum was a little traditional and, though she was fond of Callum, she was of the opinion that potential mates were no match for the real thing. I knew I loved Callum, and that was enough for me.

      "I feel for the guy," I said, "but I know what I want, Mum. And I want Callum, not some random guy from some other pack I've never met. What if he were from North Pack?"

      She sighed. "They are not as bad as you believe, Mina, maybe if you talked to them--"

      "Ha ha," I responded drily, leaning back against the window. I had heard enough about the infamous North Pack that would make me do more than hesitate before opening my mouth anywhere near them. From eating raw animals on the regular to practically living in Antarctica, it was safe to say that we would have little in common.

      "Okay, okay," she relented, standing back up from my bed. "You know I'm not going to force you, but please give it some thought, okay? It means a lot to me."

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