Chapter 2

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Hey there sunflowers! Everyone feelin chill? Cause I'm feeling cooler than a vintage cassette. (I'm sorry I had to. It's a lie I just wanted to say it) Guess what?! I updated twice in a day! I'm proud of myself. Anyways, I'll shut up now. Bai!

Nico PoV
Sports. I've always considered them my worst enemy and now I have to join one. "It will help with your anger issues." They said. You know what else would help with my anger issues? Punching you. In the face. With a knife. Repeatedly. Alas, that's illegal for some reason. And I still have to join a sport. "Che cazzo! There are so many dannazione options!" I say incredulously. "Just choose one, Mr. Di Angelo." The lady showing me the paper says with a sigh. Let's No way. I would be squashed. Baseball isn't so bad I guess. Oh yes. Cheer. That's definitely what I want. No, no, no. Wait...track? I like running. I mean, all I did for the first years of my life was run. You get good at it eventually. Well, that's the best choice I have. "I'll do track I guess..." I tell her, noting her boredom. "You'll be meeting tomorrow after school to try out. Now go home." Jeez. Someone ate a bad potato this morning. I head out, closing my eyes in the cold breeze. I love this weather. Cold and bitter, like me. "Hey there, stranger." Well fuck. "What do you want, culo?" I say, turning to the tan boy. What the hades! I didn't notice how tall he was earlier! He must be at least 6'4! I glare up at him as he stops in front of me. "Why so mean, bunny?" He says, the rather condescending nickname rolling off his tongue. "Because I told you to leave me alone. Why are you so interested? And don't call me bunny!" He laughs, the sound angelic. "No reason, bunny." Before I can tell him off again, he moves and reveals his bike. "Do you want a ride?" (Hell ya he wants a ride) I do, but not with him. Holding up my battered skateboard, I say, "I have a ride." He looks over it, taking it all in; the wobbly wheels, the spray painted wood, and caving board. "Yeah, no you don't. You should really get a new skateboard. C'mon, get on." He takes my board and puts it in my back back that he somehow got without me noticing. "By the way, did you paint the skateboard yourself, bunny?" Ugh, would he stop that? "Stop calling me bunny! And it's none of your business. I can get home just fine on it." Completely ignoring me, Percy hands me an extra helmet and gets on, patting the seat behind him. "I hate you." I mutter, pulling on the helmet and getting on behind me, seeing no other choice. My hands linger in my lap, not wanting to hold on to this insufferable teen. "Look, if you want to fall off and die, go on ahead, but if not your gonna need to hold on to me." I hate that he's right, but I do it anyways, wrapping my pale arms around his chest. "I can literally walk to my house in 10 minutes." I say, protestant till death. "Shut up." The engine starts, motor grumbling to life. "Let's go!" He shouts, pressing the gas and pulling out of the school yard.

Percy PoV
His thin, creamy white arms wrap around my chest so hesitantly I can barely feel them there. He keeps telling me he doesn't need a ride but I ignore him and drive out. Immediately his arms tighten, holding on for his life. I chuckle. God he's adorable. "Where to?" I shout over the wind. "Take a right." He says in my ear, making me jump a little. Following his instructions, we stop at a HUGE house that looks like it would be in a movie. Slowing to a stop in front, I let my mouth gaps open. "You live here?!" I feel the bike shift as he climbs off and pulls his helmet up, revealing wind blown inky hair. You can see the exhilaration in his large caramel eyes. "No, I had you stop at a random strangers so I can break in and murder them. You are now an accessory to murder. Congrats." He stalks away, tossing the helmet behind him, and hops on a window sill, scaling the wall and climbing through a window. I just sit there, mouth wide open, before shaking my head and laughing. This kid.... I can tell we're going to be great friends.

Great...."friends" Ya, sure Percy. Keep telling yourself that.

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