Chapter 4

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I am on a roll this week! 4th update! In a week! I'm very proud. WARNING! Contains mentions of rape, mature word usage, and homophobic slurs.

Nico PoV
I rush to the bathrooms, tears streaming down my face. My brain is full of vivid images of Bianca and my mother. Picnics, coffee shops, just random memories of both of them. I run in and shut myself in a stall. Drawing my feet to my chest, I let out a muffled sob. It's just too much. God I hate being so emotional all the time. The door opens and I quickly put a hand over my mouth, hearing two sets of footsteps walk through the doors. They stop at the urinals and start doing their business. "Man, have you seen the new kid?" One voice, very deep, asks. "Which one?" A higher voice with a New Jersey accent. "The short goth one." Deep voice answers. "Ah, the creepy fag." They both laugh. "Too bad he's a boy. His face is pretty cute, kinda girly." I blush a little at that. I'm not cute or girly! My tears are starting to dry now. "I would still fuck him. Tie him up and shove my dick up his little ass, fuck some sense into him." They laugh again and now I'm just pissed. Hopping off the toilet seat, I walk open the door. My eyes are still red from crying, but the look of anger on my face isn't any less threatening. "Is that so." I drawl. "I wouldn't let either of you pathetic little cagnas touch me if my life depended on it." The taller of the two's eyes flash. "What did you just say?" He takes a step forward, towering over me. Oh shit... maybe I shouldn't have done that. "Y-you heard me!" My stutter gives me away. "Aw, is the little baby scared? You won't have such a "pretty face" once I'm done with you." Then a fist is zooming towards me.

Percy PoV
I fucked up didn't I? What did I do though? After a while if sitting in the ground in the library I get up and go to my next class, which I have with Nico. I guess I'll find out how he is there. When I reach the class I look around, not seeing the small Italian anywhere. Maybe he's just late? Class starts and still no goth boy. Where is he? "No Nico today? It shows he was here for his first few classes..... oh well." The teacher marks something in her paper and continues calling roll while I continue to fret about Nico. Raising my hand, I say, "May I please go to the restroom?" The teacher waves her hand, an annoyed expression on her face, and I rush out, looking for Nico as I go. "Hah, that aught to teach him a lesson!" A voice comes from the bathroom, as well as thumps and groans. What now..... I walk in on two guys kicking a small figure clad in black. Its....Nico? "Hey! What are you two doing?" I say, furious. Two pairs of eyes look up at me. "None of your business, newbie. We're just taking care of this little shit." The shorter one says, spitting on Nico. That's the last straw. Before I know what I'm doing, the short one is pinned to the wall, my fist slamming into his mouth. I'm a blur, going from one to the other until they are both bloody piles on the floor. Taking a deep breath, I hear a quiet whimpering start to come from Nico, who is trying to crawl through the door. In one sweeping motion I pick him up bridal style, being as gentle as possible. "Hey, it's alright, I won't hurt you." I mutter to him, brushing a strand of hair from his face. The pain on his face hurts me. I gotta get him to the nurse...or the doctor! Something! I start to walk towards the nurses office, but he winces and whispers something. "What was that?" I ask, putting my ear next to his mouth. "" he says with difficulty, pausing after every word. My face must show my confusion because Nico says something else that I didn't expect. "I'" Swallowing back my protests, I nod tersely. "Okay..." His body is far to light, his thin body weighing next to nothing in my arms, so I decide to just walk to his house. It's not far, and I don't want to risk the motorcycle. He loses consciousness sometime on the way, and the door to his house is unlocked, so I go ahead and walk in. Damn. It's even bigger than I thought! Nico wakes up again and points up the stairs, so up I go. Everything about the place is posh and a bit futuristic until I get to a door with duct tape and paint splatters on it. "I'm guessing this is yours." I say with a small smile. Pushing the door open with my hip, I take in the room. It's amazingly clean, the bed unmade but other than that, spotless. The walls are light purple and covered in emo looking band posters. His bed is big, probably a king size, and covered in a black duvet. He has large black shelves covered in books and random objects he finds interesting. Glass bottles hang from the ceiling in one corner, and on one wall a huge mural of a forest is painted. The moonlight shines through the acrylic trees. It's beautifully strange, sad almost. After a while I notice something I didn't before. There's a small, pale figure crouching among the trees. Tears run down the small persons face, it's eyes distraught. Surrounding it are shadows, closing in. "Did....did you paint this?" I ask Nico, gently brushing my fingers down the wall. He nods, eyes trained on the small person. I lay him on the bed, covering him with the bedspread. "Do you need anything else?" He shakes his head and looks away. "Just.... don't tell anyone.....please?" He says quietly, and I nod my head. "Thanks.... you should go now." I leave while he's still looking at the wall and don't turn back.

Nico PoV
I stare at the wall. He noticed. No one ever noticed before. I painted it to represent me, all alone in a huge dark forest. Abandoned. No one to save me. With those thoughts, I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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