I'm Alive!

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"What the hell!?" all I saw was dark and nothingness. I heard motorcycles and screams, familiar screams, Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya's screams. I didn't know where I was, I couldn't see, as if I was just a spirit again, but couldn't see thing time. I heard a crash and a shattering. Then I took in a sudden gulp of air and felt my body come into form. I gasped in air and let my eyes become used to the dark.

"No, no no no no! NO!" I saw white cloth and nothing else. I was in a coffin. I screamed and pounded on the ceiling on the coffin and started to claw my way. I felt the cloth rip in my fingers and they started to ache from scratching at the hard wood. After a few minutes I gave up on digging so I kicked the ceiling until I heard it crack a little.

"UGH!! I gave it a solid kick and grunted. It made a hole big enough for me to claw my way out of the dirt. My hand came up out of the dirt like a zombie's and it was followed by the rest of me. My hand was red and bruised from half digging my way out.

"Wha-" my voice stopped short when I spun around to see my gravestone and my breath stopped.

"Take me back! Let me go back! Let me see Angel! I need to see Angel." my voice cracked as my voice echoed around graveyard. I pounded on my gravestone, the one I thought I should be under. I walked out of the forest to see terror ad chaos, a car was on fire, windows were shattered in and there was a body in the street, mangled and bloody.

"Oh god." I knelt down beside the body and realized who it was, it was my locker neighbor from 11th grade, Michelle Nember. I really was back, for better or for worse, sure now Sunnydale was safer, but I was back here fighting the demons, and I hated it. What will they do? What will they say? my mind spun with worried, not knowing how the gang would react. My body seemed to steer me in the right direction without my control. As soon as I walked up to the gate of our house I stopped. No. I can't. I'm not ready. I didn't want to go back to fighting and killing, the urge to fight had disappeared. My heart knew that it would be best for the gang if I came back. Dawn was sitting on the porch railing, fiddling with a stake and didn't see me. I walked into the yard and the gate caught her attention.
"Buffy!" she ran towards me, dropping the stake, and collapsed in my arms, pulling me down with her.

"I'm okay." I reassured her, but really I wasn't okay, my hands ached, and my head was spinning.

"I missed you. I-I...." Dawn couldn't finish her sentence. I understood, I had been lost and unsure of where I was but now I knew, I was home. I stroked her hair and held her close. Xander, and Willow came running out of the house.

"Dawn, is- BUFFY!" Willow came running as a stood up, almost knocking me down again.

"Hey Will, missed you too." I felt her heaving sobs on my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm okay." she shook her head.

"Whats the matter Will?" Willow spoke softly when she answered.

"I used magic, I brought you back. I might have hurt you. What if I made you come back wrong?" she panicked in her usual Willowy way.

"Then I'm wrong, so what, I'm back." I tried to smile.

"Hey, Xander here!" Xander waited for Willow to back up before he squeezed me.

"Buffsters, are you really back or am I dreaming a great dream?" he smiled and squeezed harder.

"Can't. Breathe. Xander." I gasped. He let go and the 4 of us walked into the house, my house.

"BUFFY!" Tara and Anya barreled towards me and screamed.
"Oh god. Hi guys. Air please." it was a lot to take in, I had been dead, then I came back to life and now I had to explain it to them.

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