Restricted for chapter 29

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I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. I try moving and am completely immobile thanks to Carter's body intertwining with mine. I glance down and notice his head resting against my chest. His arms encasing me on both sides and our legs tangled together. I smile and run my fingers through his hair. He moves in his sleep his hand coming up to rest on my breasts, I feel them harden as he does so. I try and move out from under him to go to the bathroom but this makes him hold me tighter. I didn't realize how much of a cuddler this man was.

"Car, please wake up," I said rubbing his shoulder lightly.

He stirs in his sleep his eyes slowly opening and looking at me for the first time, He looks down at where our bodies are positioned and smiles.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of waking up to this," He quickly kisses my cheek and rolls over to let me out from under him.

"You sleep like a log," I say rolling my eyes still smiling at him as he starts getting up from the bed wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"What can I say your pillows could put anyone to sleep,"

"Jerk!" I say throwing an actual pillow at him "You can use these next time,"

"I meant it in the best way possible munchkin, I love everything about your body. Speaking of would you like to join me in the shower this morning?" He asks taking off his sweatpants leaving him clad in his boxers.

I blush and shake my head "I don't know,"

Even after everything we've done I still get that flash of embarrassment anytime Carter sees me naked. Its nothing he does, he makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the room. It was just the thoughts in the back of my mind reminding me of what Ryan would say about my body and me not being good enough for him. When someone drills that kind of negativity in your head for so long its hard to shake it. Even if you did have someone as caring and supportive like Carter.

Without me even having to say anything he can see the negative thoughts running through my mind as if they were being broadcasted to him. He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style and walks us towards the bathroom and places me on the sink so my legs are dangling off.

"I won't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with but just know that you are perfect to me, any scar or imperfection you think you have is just a reminder to me how strong you are and how you overcame everything you went through,"

I stare at him my mind not registering how perfect this man standing before me is, he knows me better then I know myself. He gives me the courage every day to open up to him more and I'm slowly becoming the girl I used to be before Ryan took over my life and stole everything from me.

"What's going on in that mind of yours pretty girl?"

"I just, Overthink everything. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be happy with myself and my body. It's just this horrible cycle of insecurities that I can't shake. I just feel bad that you have to deal with me being like this, I want to be ok with being so intimate with you I am always second guessing myself,"

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do," He says, cupping my face in his hands wiping a stray tear from the corner of my eye.

"I'll shower with you,"

"You don't have to munchkin,"

"I want to, I trust you more than you know," I place his hands on the hem of my shirt giving him permission to take my shirt off.

He slowly takes it off of my body my chest bare to him, he picks me up and puts me on the ground. He starts the shower warming it up for us, and we both undress and get in. I stand under the spray the water drenching me from head to toe, relaxing my muscles. I glance over at him as he takes in my small frame, looking me up and down causing my blush to spread.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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