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This happens in the second book of the first series. Why do I make them sing so much 😂🎶
They were still making their way to Gellgavein. (Don't know if that's how you spell it) "let's set up camp for tonight"said Tarik "finally" Rollan wined "Rollan Meilin you two go get fire wood Connor Abeke you help me and Finn set up the tents" "ok" said Conor and Abeke at the same time.Rollan and Meilin just stared at each other then went of.

They were getting fire wood when Rollan heard humming. It was coming from Meilin! Rollan recognized the song instantly. He took a deep breath and started to sing.

"I like that your broken broken like me maybe that makes me a fool I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you"

"I met you late night at a party some trust fund baby's Brooklyn loft by the bathroom you said let's talk but my confidence is wearing of"

These aren't my people these aren't my friends she grabbed my face and that's when she said
Her jaw dropped,Rollan started  singing! She knew this song it was the song she was humming earlier she knew when her part came.

"I like that your broken broken like me maybe that makes me a fool I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you".
"There's something tragic but almost pure think I could love you but I'm not sure there's something wholesome there's something sweet tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet"

"Theses aren't my people these aren't my friends she grabbed my face and that's when she said"
"I like that your broken broken like me maybe that makes me a fool I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you"
"life is not a love song that we like we are broken pieces floating by life is not a love song we can try to fix are broken pieces one at a time"

"I like that your broken broken like me maybe that makes me a fool I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you I like that your broken broken like me maybe that makes me a fool I like that your lonely lonely like me I could be lonely with you".

Before Rollan new it Meilin had grabbed the collar of his shirt and started kissing him,He quickly closed his eyes and and kissed her back, as sone as it started it stopped. Both of their cheeks were hot red, they walked on in silence gathering fire wood.


Abeke,Finn,Tarik and himself had already finished putting up the tents hours ago when Rollan and Meilin emerged from the forest, they were both blushing rapidly, Abeke must have seen it to because she turned to him and she looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh. Conor wasn't going to make a comment but Abeke had different plans, "we will make sure not to send you to into the woods together again". Conor and Abeke burst out laughing and fell off of the log they were sitting on. Rollan and Meilin blushed even more if that was possible when Finn and Tarik looked on in humour, "I guess there's a new Tarik and Lishay" commented Finn, this time it was Tarik that blushed and Rollan and Meilin looked on in humour as there fierce worrier mentor blushed.

Hope you guys liked it please comment if you did just had to ad a bit of Larik😂

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