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I read the headline aloud at the breakfast bar. My voice exaggerated and dramatic enough to match the overzealous article about us.

"Presumed gang of four fugitives," I began, emphasizing the incorrect number, "has done it again. The criminal group infamously known as The Hoods just recently broke into The American Bank this past Tuesday."

This current heist had been almost too simple. One would think that since we were so well known around the globe every one would be on their toes with the most top notch security that they had in their ranks standing at the front-lines, but it seemed that American Bank hadn't gotten the memo at all.

Aside from the few expected security standing by the vaults, and a single extra firewall for Zayn to knock through, the whole scheme had gone quickly and smoothly. Almost too smoothly; I've had a heavy feeling in my stomach since we'd entered the vault, but we'd finished the job and left just fine, so I suppose there's no reason to harbor this uneasiness now.

"After knocking six guards unconscious," I continued, "and breaking into the main vault (how they did so still under investigation) the group escaped the scene with an estimated 1.2 million U.S. dollars."

There were so many reasons why the kitchen was filled with quiet chuckles and giggles, my own face cracking an amused grin as we took in the article. The accurate number was 1.5 million, and we broke into the vault using our own über intelligent secret weapon otherwise known as Zayn Malik.

The words that truly got us clutching our stomachs and slapping our knees was the final line.

"The Hoods have since fled from yesterday's scene at the bank, but authorities have issued a nationwide manhunt: all airports and borders will be closed until they are found. The gang of criminals are still assumed to be detained in the U.S., and are considered to be armed and dangerous. Though to us and other countries around the world it is a blessing to be assured that these ruthless criminals are not hiding next door; for Americans it is a nightmare."

I almost couldn't even finish reading the ridiculous story. I had tears welling in my eyes that blurred my vision, and my throat hurt with the force of my giggles; the five boys surrounding me were in a state much the same.

It was just so entertaining and laughable that the whole world thought that we were smart enough to break into not one bank, but three around the world, but stupid enough to assume that we wouldn't have fled the country the moment we were finished.

Harry was the first to calm down, taking one last deep breath to compose himself before addressing the rest of us authoritatively.

"Okay, okay," he spoke, smiling still, "it's all very good that they still believe we're in America, and even when they do crack that we've left I'm certain that they'll then assume we're at least still in the continent.

"So in the downtime that we spend in Paris, I want to have a game plan. First and foremost we will stay in these low end apartments for the next month or two; do I hear any objections?" He asked.

The room stayed silent.

"The next thing we will do is play the role of tourists; any objections to that?"

Again, silence.

"We will rent three apartments on this floor. Room assignments will be as followed: Zayn and I, Louis and Liam, and Clara with Niall." He paused, lips twitching and eyes bright, "Do I hear any objections?"

The room immediately went into chaos.

"Harry, you can't seriously expect me to room with him- he's a mess! I can barely breathe fresh air being within twenty feet of him!" Liam pouted, truly offended that he was paired with one of his best friends. Louis smirked, flicking him in the nose for the insult.

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