How you meet

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You were casually searching for a particular book that you wanted from Flourish and Blotts. Hogwarts: A History was such an interesting book that you wanted to buy it this year. Your older sibling had a copy and let you read some of it until they moved out. You were determined to buy a copy. Nobody could stop you... or so you thought until a hand grabbed the last copy of the very book you wanted. You quickly looked up only to see a girl with very bushy brown hair and brown eyes.

The girl stared back and rose an eyebrow. You smiled a small sheepish smile before pointing towards the book. She seemed to get it and chuckled as she walked off. You sighed before following her up to the owner of the store. You cut in front of her smirking slightly causing her to slightly growl before you smiled at the owner.

"Hello, sir! Do you have another copy of Hogwarts: A History?" You asked and he blinked before smiling.

"I do in the back! It might take a while for me to find it though," The owner said causing a cruel, devilish smirk to appear on your face.

"Take as long as you need," You said, glancing at the bushy-haired girl, she looked unpleased as the owner went into the back to grab a copy. She continued to glare into your head until it was finally her turn. You never did learn her name.

You had always been outcasted by the surrounding kids around you, you found creatures the other kids found weird, interesting causing kids to pick on and bully you. You were a very open-minded person and didn't care for it. You had a happy life apart from your father passing away. Once you got to Hogwarts the torment only got worse. You found yourself constantly surrounded by kids who didn't understand you being regularly bullied.

One day after the torment you found yourself at Black Lake. Usually, you just went back to your dorm room but today you felt like, no you needed to go to Black Lake. You had no idea why but you listened to what your gut was saying and slowly walked towards Black Lake leading you up to this moment right here. Standing at the foot of Black Lake you looked around, nothing out of the ordinary... that is until you saw long, wavy dirty-blonde hair. The girl soon noticed you as well and walked over.

"Hello, I'm Luna Lovegood," Luna said and you smiled back.

"Y/n L/n," You responded, smiling back as you shook Luna's hand.

You were in your sixth year and you weren't all that keen about having to join your house's Quidditch team but your parents forced you. You were the only daughter of the L/n family and everyone played Quidditch in your family. Today it was Y/H (Your House! Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin. Sorry can't be Gryffindor) vs Gryffindor, you had been their Seeker for all six years, well except last year due to the Triwizard Tournament. The head of your house found it amazing how well you flew on a broom and caught a small, yet important ball for one of your housemates. They introduced you to the Y/H Quidditch captain and they taught you all about Quidditch even though your parents had already done so many years before.

You had heard due to Umbridge's ban, Fred, George, and Harry couldn't play so a few people had taken their place. Harry in everyone's opinion was the only other Seeker who could keep up with your broom. You, like your many brothers before you and your parents, were one of the best Seekers Y/H has ever seen. As you all flew out onto the Quidditch field you paled seeing Ginny Weasley replacing Harry as the seeker. Ginny was rough and fast but not as fast as you. One bodyslam from her though and you'd be falling off your broom. Your eyes darted left and right, up and down for the Golden Snitch while you were also avoiding Ginny. Your eyes suddenly appeared on the Golden Snitch and you went for it. Ginny had also seen it and followed. Ginny suddenly hit your broom with her own and you paled as your hands almost let go. You tried to get a better grip and hit Ginny back but you didn't expect her to actually fall. You abandoned your plans on catching the Snitch and flew down before catching Ginny and hitting your back on the ground with a painful groan escaping your mouth.

"Y/n!" You heard your team yell and rush over. You couldn't feel your back due to how numb it became as soon as you hit the ground and shortly after both teams rushed over you blacked out.

When you woke up you saw Ginny sitting next to your bed. You groaned as you sat up and Ginny looked up.

"Why'd you save me instead of grabbing the Snitch?" Ginny asked and you stared at her.

"I'm going to take that as a 'thank you' and leave it at that," You laughed but Ginny only pouted.

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