They get jealous

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Hermione frowned as Katie Bell, a well known Gryffindor flirted with you. You paid no mind to her but that didn't seem to stop Katie from sitting next to you, getting touchy, and playing with your hair. "Are you going to the Quidditch game later today?" Katie asked.

"Yes, Harry is playing... I'll be cheering for Gryffindor," You answered honestly. Katie nodded before leaning towards you and whispering in your ear, your nose scrunched up as you held in a laugh but failed horribly in the end. Katie had told you about a little switcheroo she did with Malfoy's broom and you were excited to see what would happen.

In Hermione's eyes, you were enjoying Katie flirting with you. You started snickering together talking about pranking Malfoy more, he did deserve it. Hermione soon left Harry and Ron's conversation to glare at Katie which everyone soon noticed. "Ah, sorry Hermione! Can I help you with something?" Katie asked.

Hermione's eyes flickered towards you before back at Katie and you snickered causing Hermione to glare, rage evident in her eyes. You instantly shut up as Hermione slowly looked back at Katie. "You do know Y/n's my girlfriend, right?" Hermione said and Katie's eyebrows went up in surprise.

"Oh! No I-I didn't, I expected her to date someone more like her, I thought you two were just really close friends, sorry!" Katie said before she uncomfortably left and went to her friends on the other side of the Gryffindor table. Hermione's glare soon traveled towards you as you looked down.

"What was that?" Hermione snarled and you smiled softly.

"You're cute when you're angry and jealous! The whispering and snickering was us planning on pranking Malfoy, I'll cancel if you really want me too..." You smiled and Hermione frowned.

"No... I don't care," Hermione muttered.

"It... looked like you did love," You said.

"Do not love me!" Hermione snarled.

"That's impossible," You replied causing Hermione's face to go red. "Nobody could not love you," You said causing Hermione's blush to deepen as she pouted.

"Y-You knew what I meant," Hermione said and you kissed her. She grumbled and looked to the side. "Fine, fine... I forgive you... I want you to cuddle me instead of pranking Malfoy with her," Hermione finally admitted and you smiled before giving her an Eskimo kiss.

         "Of course, anything for my girlfriend!" You said causing Hermione to smile slightly.

Draco had no idea you and Luna were dating and was very interested in you. Luna didn't notice at first. She never noticed the constant love letters, poems, flowers, and flirting. You seemed annoyed and didn't really know what to do.

Months filled with Draco constantly bothering you and Luna not knowing. Eventually, it got to the point where everywhere you turned Draco was waiting to give you a gift or flirt with you more. You were on your way to meet up with Luna and the Gryffindor trio she always hung around. You had them in your sights and waved at Luna who happily waved back.

You went to run and give her a hug before a taller figure got in your way, causing you to run into their chest. You scrambled to pick up your bookbag and apologized profusely. "It's fine sweetcakes," You heard the familiar voice of the person you wanted to see the least. You saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Luna all look at him confused. You could only roll your eyes in annoyance.

"Uh... if you could please excuse me, I'm hanging out with my friends and my girl-"

Draco immediately interrupted me and smiled. "How about, you and I go out on a date instead?" Draco asked causing Luna to stare and I frowned. I saw a hint of jealousy on Luna's face.

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