Chapter - 1 : Agent Romanoff

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Dear Agent Romanoff,

First of all, I want to thank you for giving me this diary. Its been ages since I have written to anyone.

I still remember the look you gave me when I told you I was too old to maintain a diary. You told me I was too sappy and yet too stubborn to talk about myself to anyone and that I was being a terrible(seriously?) recruit for you. I still remember as clear as a day when you accused me of "not having the balls" to even talk to any one, especially a woman and that it was the only way I can express my "inner self" to anyone.

So, guess what who comes to mind? You.

For the first time today, I can see you for real. I don't really know why I randomly write this letter to you but at least, you are never going to see it. So, let me save myself some shame.

After accusing me of not having any courage that a man should have, you were wearing that little smile on your face while afterwards explaining how to the world these days work to me. I am so sorry for being such a bad student since I can't really understand this modern world.

I really feel stupid when I question you about your hair. Then to worsen the situation, I kept on rambling about how different hairstyles have gotten. To confuse me further, you gingerly raised your eyebrows at me. Then, I told you that you smell kinda nice and your eyes widen at my random confession.

To ruin the moment again, my stupid mouth had to say that its not only you who smelled nice but also the other lady agents did too. I am sorry if it came out like an insult while in reality, I like your hair.

But you did nothing at all. You just study me for a while with those emerald eyes, without even saying anything. Trust me, I thought that you were going to be angry. Instead, you did the opposite.

You laughed. Wholeheartedly.

I will be honest here. I think that you are my favourite lady agent. Please forgive me if I came out as a flirt for always saying 'lady agents', but really, I am not a ladies man.

Also, you might think that I am a pervert for liking you the most only in your first visit, but I want you to know that I am not like that either.

In fact, I am the exact opposite.

Maybe it had to do something about you reminding me about a certain friend so much. If we ever get to know each other more, I would be very pleased to tell you about her.

You know, I always get lost in my thoughts. But I can't help it, I always think too much, keep too much to myself and talk too less.

I don't really know what to say more or how I ended up talking about your hair, but I have to tell you this. It felt kinda nice to even talk about even the tiniest things.

So, thank you again for entertaining me with your company and advice. I will make sure to keep in mind.

With respect,

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