Took a tumble

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The potion hadn't worked. But Harry was done being a mystery, so he wasn't going to tell Draco it hadn't wored and he wasn't going to tell Dumbledore either. He would pretend it worked just fine the second time and wait a month till Draco showed up again. Then he would dispose of all the potions somehow, so it looked like he was using them. The only problem with his plan was that he didn't want to waist all the potion ingredients.

Harry never went back to sleep that night, too worried that he would return to the long dark corridors. When he saw the sun through a window in the dormitory he got out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom.

As he hopped into the shower he found himself thinking about long corridors and doors at the end of a hallway. He rubbed his hands over his face and sat down on the shower floor, closing his eyes and letting the water run down his face and chest, down his stomach and onto the shower floor. He sat like this for at least ten minutes till he let out a great sigh and stood up to finish cleaning himself. After he had finished washing off all the soap and shampoo he turned the water cold and stood under the spout till he started shivering. Hermione told him the cold water closes your pours after the hot water opened them and it will stop dirt from getting in them and creating pimples. He wasn't sure if it worked, but since he started doing it his acne had definitely gotten much better. He now only had one pimple on his chin.

Harry got out of the shower and brushed his teeth. He still used muggle toothpaste even though there was a potion for that. He just found that he preferred toothpaste. It worked just fine, he thought. His teeth were white.

After brushing his teeth he tiptoed out of the bathroom. The other boys still weren't awake so he made sure to be extra quiet. He dug his clothes out of his trunk that he still hadn't unpacked.

He combed his hair as best he could knowing it wouldn't settle. It never had. He put on deodorant and a little cologne and quietly made his way to the common room. It was still early just about the time they would normally wake up. He didn't want to be there when they did, so he decided to go for a walk around the castle.
He didn't want to go to the great Hall because he was worried Draco would be there and his face would give away his restless night by the bags he knew were under his eyes.

He left through the portrait hole and headed for the third floor corridor. He remembered his first year at hogwarts. Ron hermione and him had gotten caught on one of the stair cases when it began to move and ended up face to face with a three headed dog. Turned out the dog was guarding the Sorcerer's stone. They had thought Snape was after it. Turned out it had been Quirrel all along.

He walked along the corridor till he reached the next staircase and went down to the dungeons were he knew Slytherin common room was. He had been there in second year pretending to be Crabb and Goyle.

He was planning on walking around till breakfast time, but it was cold down there so he decided to head back upstairs. As he turned the corner to go back up he saw Malfoy, Crab, and Goyle, as well as Pansy Parkinson. They were heading up the stairs as well. He turned around to head in the opposite direction in order to avoid them, but he stubbed his toe on the foot of a suit of armor and cursed under his breath. Malfoy and his possy heard the sound and turned around.

"Potter! What are you doing down here in the dungeons?" Malfoy sneered. "Couldn't stay away? Has Potty developed a little crush on me?" Harry scowled and clenched his fist.

"If I remember correctly the corridor is open to all students who wish to go for a walk before breakfast," he paused, "Not just the stuck up ones" he finished with a sneer and pushed past him. Heading up to the dining hall. Behind him he heard Malfoy scoff and Pansy gasp. Crab and Goyle were to stupid to comprehend the insult.

As Harry walked away his scar began to burn. He was still in the same hallway and in sight of Malfoy and his possy. He knew what might be coming and he didn't want Malfoy to see it if it did. He began walking a little faster but before he got to the end of the staircase he scar seared.

He was in a dark room. There was another person in the room with him. He felt anger surge through his body, and let out a cry of anguish. He rose, moving toward the other in the room. His face was familiar, one he knew well but at the same time it was unrecognizable. He began to shout at the man. "What were you thinking!? You could have been caught! In fact, you have ruined my whole plan! This was not how it was supposed to happen!"

Harry regained his consciousness and found himself at the bottom of the staircase, screaming and hissing words he knew to be English some he knew to be Parsletongue. He was thrashing in what he wasn't sure was pain, anger, or a combination of both. When he realized what he was doing he stopped. Malfoy and Pansy were standing over him him with a look of fear, curiosity, and disgust. Crab and Goyle were watching from a distance. Harry gripped his head in pain and rolled onto his side, groaning. He thought he might vomit. He held the contents of his stomach inside, not wanting to spill them in front of Malfoy. He groaned again. He had just fallen all the way down the cold dungeon steps. He felt like he might have broken a rib or two. He was also sure that the whole time he had been falling he had also been thrashing around. Harry knew he needed to get up. He also knew that if he didn't it would just give Malfoy more to bully him about, but he physically couldn't. All Harry could manage was to lift his head and groan.

"Um, you know, you should probably go to the hospital wing." Pansy said in a weird tone that Harry couldn't and didn't care to read.

"Mhmhht," was all Harry could say.

"Pansy, go get a teacher." Draco ordered. Crab and Goyle were gone. Probably left for breakfast.

"So Potter," Draco started.

"Ugh" Harry interrupted

"What was that?"

"accidental ligillemency" Harry mumbled clearly having lost all sensibility.

"By who?" Draco continued with his interrogation


"What was going on?" Draco pressed.

"Wait, you believe me?" Was Harry's first thought.

"Uh, yeah. So what did he want?" Draco persisted.

"I don't ruddy well know," Harry groaned, "But he's angry." Harry realized that he was sharing important information with the enemy but he did really care right now. Everything hurt and Draco was going to help.

"Why is he angry?" Draco continued, "who is he angry at?"

"I don't know." This wasn't entirely true. It was true that he didnt know why he was angry but he remembered what the person looked like.

"Was the anyone else there?"



"I don't know"

"What did they look like!?"

"They had brown hair, really short," he trailed off he knew who he was describing now. It was worm tail. But he couldn't tell Malfoy that.
"Would you stop asking so many questions?" He said instead.

"Is this why you needed the potion then?" Draco asked anyway.

Harry didn't answer for a minute. Then he said, "No I just have trouble sleeping." He could tell Malfoy didn't believe him but he was saved from having to explain by professor McGonagal and Pansy Parkinson running towards them.

"Potter!" McGonagal gasped as she reached him. Harry was still in a ball and groaning slightly. "What happened."

"Um, fell down the stairs professor." Harry said

"I see." She replied, knowing there was more.

"Well lets get you to the hospital." She said, reaching her arms around him and lifting him off the ground. She was strong Harry thought to himself, surprised. He sucked in a breath at the sharp pain in his side and then groaned some more.

"Oh dear." McGonagal sighed.

Ok, so I haven't updated in like a century. I would like to say sorry I've been busy, but honestly I'm just a terrible Wattpader and I forgot to update. Hehe oops. But now it's here so I hope you enjoyed it.

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