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Harry's POV

Harry woke up in the hospital wing. His head hurt like hell. There was an empty chocolate frog box and a note on the his bedside table. He sat up to read it and felt a sharp pain and his side.

"Oh! Mr. Potter!"

He grabbed the note, wincing in pain.

I hope you don't mind, I ate your frog. The card was victor krum by the way.

Clearly Ron had stopped by. Upon hearing him wake up Madam Pomfrey rushed to his bedside.

"Harry! I'm so glad you're awake, it's time for your first dose of Skele-Grow."

Harry groaned. He remembered the last time he had to use Skele-Grow. It tasted absolutely dreadful and once your bones started to grow it felt like a million splinters were being lodged into you.

Madam Pomfrey helped him to sit up and handed him the phial of gross smelling liquid. He smelled it and felt himself start to gag.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" He gave Madam Pomfrey a pleading expression.

"Bottoms up" she said

He plugged his nose and downed the phial in one gulp. Then he shuddered and lied back down, hoping to sleep through the majority of the pain.


Draco had been unable to focus for the entirety of his  history of magic class; not that he focused very well in history normally. He kept replaying the incident with Harry over and over again. He knew that Harry had been having trouble sleeping. He had told him about the legilimency but this was not what he had pictured. In his mind he watched Harry fall to his knees just above the stairs and begin thrashing in pain before falling down an entire flight of stairs.

This was something Draco would have loved to witness a year ago but a lot had happened since then.  A classmate had died. Voldemort had risen and his father had been disappearing at night and sometimes at weird times of the day. No one believed that Voldemort had really risen but Draco was sure it was true.

Something about realizing that your parents are not hero's forces you to mature quite a bit. Now Draco did believe that pure bloods were superior, but only in the magical sense. He did not think that half bloods and muggle borns were below him as humans and he definitely didn't think they should all be murdered.

Lately he had been thinking a lot about what would happen to him as the dark lord grew stronger. He understood why his father served him. It was as simple as self preservation. But it was something Draco hoped to never be apart of.

Draco now knew that despite his magical purity and flashy money he was not as different from everyone else as he had once thought. Money and blood doesn't stop a person from experiencing hardship and pain and he now knew that the world was full of both of those things. So Draco did not relish in Harry's pain and the idea that Voldemort was powerful enough to attack him so aggressively from so far away was scary even to Draco.

"Mr. Malfoy?" Professor Binns was staring directly at him.

"Uh, yes professor?"

"Turn to page 106 please."

As Draco turned the pages he made eye contact with Pansy. He wondered how long she had been staring at him. He felt sick and looked away. He could feel her eyes on him for the entirety of class.

Once dismissed Draco headed towards the door at a brisk pace. He didn't want to seem like he was trying to get out of there as soon as possible in front of the professor so he didn't run. Not that he could have gone any faster with Pansy continuously stepping in his path. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around to look at him with wide eyes. Draco thought he could almost see little hearts in them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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