Chapter 5

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I am 100% without a doubt getting off this bloody ship! It is small, the people on it are weird, and the captain is a lying pig.
Buuuut if I stay on this ship maybe I could disappear forever, there's no one and nothing to go home to anyway.
So I'm staying? Yea I'm staying. I don' really know.
I was sitting this armoury like place at the back of the ship deciding whether or not to stay with Mick, Snart, Sara and ray. One of Rays laser things went off and nearly hit me I gave him the most deadly glare ever, I mean if looks could kill...

"sorry. Sorry." he sounded defeated

"what's the point of even giving this a second thought? Rip has already seen the future. He knows exactly what's in store for each of us. Might as well have stayed dead. 'cause the world doesn't need any of us. You're just a lost assassin. You're just a pair of good for nothing criminals. You're just... whatever you are." haha nice one Ray.

"I can live with that," Mick replied

"I can't live with that" umm is he gonna kill himself

"can't live with someone putting a cap on my destiny. I spent my whole life working to be something greater by becoming something smaller. Then some guy comes along and tells me, that being the atom is as insignificant as an actual atom." well that was deep Ray jeez

"that's not what he said. Rip said that in his future we're nobodies, but this mission is about changing the future. I mean, if we have the power to change the world, don't you think we have the power to change our own fate?' Sara wow that was inspiring.

" for better or for worse" snart added

" That's a very good point." Ray said

" so girl we know nothing about what do you say," Sara asked

" the names Erin, and I'm staying"I replied before getting up and exiting the room, I am really dramatic, but it was fun!

I saw everyone was heading to the main room, so I followed silently behind. We came into Rip talking about how Chronos wasn't the only enemy we will face. Then they all made statements about how they were in then it came to my turn

"let's get this show on the road" I said while taking my place next to snart rolling my eyes as I did so. I could practically feel him smirking. Then off we went into the past.

if you have any suggestions to what you would like to happen than pls leave a comment

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