The ring

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I had just arrived at the building. It looked abandoned from the outside but you could already hear the cheering from the outside. This is where I started to get excited. I had been offered to go the uswnt, so know I just needed to release all the energy I gained from the news by punching so idiot in the face. I opened the door an walked in the familiar stench of sweat and alcohol seeping into my nose. It wasn't a very pleasant smell but I get to love it as the ring was a place I could escape. I walked over to my manager who was the only one who knew my real name, and asked him who I was fighting and how much I was going to earn from the fight. " your fight a big beast tonight! But he is a cocky git so he will underestimate you, also he injured his right leg not long ago , therefore that is his weak spot, he also pretty slow, but his punches are powerful so try not to get hit in the face otherwise he will knock you out cold" I grinned at him with a smirk taking in all the information he gave and reply with " when have you ever known me to get hit in the face?" He just chuckled and tells me I will win 5,000 dollars if I win then walks away.
I then wrap my knuckles and put my gloves on, I grab my signature hoodie and put it on and wait for the announcer to call my name.
" AND TONIGHT WE HAVE OUR UNDEFEATED CHAMPION SHADOW !!!!" The crowd goes wild as they chant my name throwing all the money they have into the betting tubs, I smirk knowing that I obviously have a great reputation. Then the announcer calls out my opponents name.
I started laughing uncontrollably, who called themselves winner when they are bound to lose, especially against me. We both step into the ring and as soon as he sees me he starts to laugh. " you want me to fight a little girl? Okay then they don't call me the winner for nothing"
I hear a few chuckles at what he said making me burst out laughing, I and slighting bending, one hand on my thigh trying to stop myself from laughing. Like who does this guy think he is ? He looks at me with a confused expression, before swing my are back and punch in the face. He almost falls over but managed to hold himself up onto ropes. " look at you feisty little girl, you can actually throw a punch" I laugh and give him a roundhouse kick to the head making him fall over. I then grab his head by his hair, in which gives him an opening to punch me in my broken rib. I fall back pain causing threw my abdomen. He goes to kick my rib this time in which I swipe him off his feet using my leg. He falls the the floor with a thud before I kick him in the back of the head and this knocks him out. I am claimed the winner and take my winnings. You see the only tool in street fighting is no weapons, so kicking him in the head my be harsh but it was necessary as my ribs were killing and I wanted it to be over. Once I get back to my house dad is already asleep so grab all the money I own and start packing my suite case ready to join the uswnt. I right a letter to my dad saying I'm going to be away for a few weeks and go and post it on the fridge in the kitchen. Considering it is Saturday tommorow I know that he won't wake up until noon which gives me time to leave without having to speak to him. I sight and sit on my phone until a get a text from Jill
Hey meet us at the Hartley hotel at 10am, and we will let you meet the team, we have one game there on Tuesday, and then we will leave for the airport on Wednesday, I already spoke to your school saying you would be missing class but they already told me you never show up which isn't very good Caitlin, you better show up to practices if you want to stay on the team when you get here~Jill
I know I don't turn up at school because I hate it but I love soccer so practice shouldn't be a problem, however I have a job so a may be going out a few times during the trip if that's ok with you and see you at 10am~Caitlin
That's fine but what is the job what do you do? ~Jill
Shit. I couldn't tell her I did street fighting, no one knows and I want about to tell a stranger so I will just tell her it isn't important.
It's not important.~Caitlin
I'm your coach I should know what you get up to~Jill
Can you just drop it?~ Caitlin
Fine but if the team thinks something weird is going on they won't leave you alone until you tell them so good luck with that~ Jill
Night Jill~ Caitlin
Night Caitlin~ Jill
I put my phone back on my bed I tried to go to sleep, I set my alarm for 8 as I needed to shower get dressed and drive to the hotel. I spend the last few minutes awake thinking what the team will be like before slowly drifting back to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed chapter three guys

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