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As I ran out of the bathroom she ran to catch up to me. When she finally caught up she grabbed my wrist and turned me around. " let me help you!" She shouted. I just looked back at her and said "why would you care no one ever has before what makes you any different!" I shouted tears streaming down my face. She looked taken aback that I was actually crying but then she walked closer to me " because I like you" she said blankly I didn't know in what way she meant so I just said "wha-" but briefer I could finish my sentence she cupped my cheeks and kissed me. He lips wet so soft and warm and I wanted nothing more than to melt into them which is did. When she finally pulled away she looked st me with a smile and thats when I realised I liked her too. " I like you too" he smile grew wider if that was even possible, but then she just frowned and told me to tell her everything that had happened. So I did I told her about my dads abuse and how I got money by street fighting about my rib all of it. She was so sad but was more angry than anything. She said I should come stay with her but I knew someone would get hurt if I did so told her that I couldn't, she cried saying she understood but that it hurt her to see my like this. That's when we got to the hard part. "I have a fight tonight" She just turned around with shock and anger if her eyes. " your not going!" She shouted at me. I just told her I was and that she couldn't stop me because this got me money and kept my anger issues under control. The only thing I hadn't told Charlie about was my mom. I count repeat that story. We were still arguing about me going to fight when my phone started going off. I sighed told her too be quite for a minute and answered. Though as soon as I heard that voice my blood ran cold.
"Hello my dear daughter, have you missed my voice? Now be a good girl and tell me where you are so I can bring you home"
I almost dropped the phone and started crying. Carlie looked at me confused and worried. But I would cry I wouldn't give the man the satisfaction.
" I'm not telling you father, I have to get away from you for a while you broke my god damn rib and the only reason you want me back is so that I can be your personal punching bag and buy you drugs and alcahol so NO!" I screams into the phone he let out an evil laugh and said
" I may not be able to hurt you physically but-"
I cut him off before he could reply I was angry and glad that I could get away from him. Me and carli just decided to watch a movie as I didn't want to talk to her about what happened on the phone. It was nine pm and I told her I was going to the doctor soon my managers doctor and she just told me she was gonna come with me. We were about to leave when I got a phone call. It was women crying into the phone trying hard to get her words out, however I heard those words clearer than anything in the word
" Lucy has been murdered"
I dropped the phone and screamed louder than ever before, I was angry, at myself for angering my father because I knew he had done it, I should never of left and she would still be alive. My phone buzzed and I looked at it, my father had sent me a picture of Lucy's body saying come home. I threw my phone across the room and ran to my bag. Carli was trying to get me too calm down but I would listen. " he killed my only friend Carli ! He killed her! " I screamed barely being able to say the words out loud. I pulled the hand gun out of my bag and headed for the door I was going to kill him for everything he had put me through and for killing Lucy and mostly for my mum.
Action packed episode guys please vote and tell me what's wrong about the story

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