Newly Wedded Couple of The Losers Club - Bill Denbrough x Reader

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 It was a big day for you. You were going to marry your childhood love and best friend Bill.You smiled as you started to remember what had happened and how you met Bill. You recently fought It again after not hearing from it nearly 30 years. The 'event' brought you and your friends and you and Bill back together. You and Bill dated when you were kids. You were in the same class and you always had a little crush on him. 

When the town was being terrorised by the clown and killed Georgie that's what brought you and Bill together. You were there for him in these dark times and he was there for you. When you two were at the barrens waiting for your mutual friend, Eddie, that's when you confessed your feelings for each other. And that was the moment you two shared your first kiss. Ever since that moment, you were boyfriend and girlfriend. Your friends were so happy for you and supported you all the way. You were walking home, since you spend the whole day with the 'losers', and that's where you saw him. You stopped when you saw a clown a cross the road. 

"Hiya Y/n." He spoke and you turned around. You were now walking the other way and stopped again, when the clown was standing in front of you. "You can't escape me, Y/n. You'll die if you try." The clown spoke and got angry. That's when you decided to run. You crossed the road, but saw a car come torwards you fast and before you knew it, you were hit by the car. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with a bright light. You were in the hospital and looked beside you. You saw the losers sitting there and smiled when you saw them. "Hi guys. What happened?" You asked and Bill sat on your bed. "Y-you were h-hit by a c-car." He told you and the image of the clown floating back to you. 

"Pennywise. I saw Pennywise when i was walking home from spending the day with you. And then i was running and was hit by the car." You told them. That's was the moment you knew this relationship with Bill was real and would last very long. You and the rest of the losers went to the sewers to defead Pennywise and you all thought you did. When all of you made the packed to Bill, you stayed behind to talk to him "I need to tell you something" You spoke and felt some tears welling up in your eyes. "My father got a job in New York. We have to move out of Derry." You spoke and wiped away your tears. "I am sorry Bill. I don't want to leave you. I can't live without you." You spoke. 

You and Bill were crying together over the fact that you were leaving. You hugged Bill and placed a kiss on his lips. "Goodbye Bill. I love you." You spoke and walked away. "I love you too Y/n." You smiled at everything you and your friends had been trough.Years later you got a call from Mike, that It was back and that you have to come back to Derry. You all met up at the Chinese restaurant and when you saw Bill, you hugged and placed a passionate kiss on his lips, like you never went away and that you were always together. When he proposed that same night, you were beyond excited and he protected you from your encounter with It. "Y/n are you ready to go?" Your mother asked and you smiled. Beverly was standing next to you and you looked in to the mirror. "You look stunning." She spoke and you looked at her. 

"Thanks Bev. I can't believe after all these time i would end up back together with Bill and that we are getting married." "We all knew you two would end up back together. Come on, don't want to let Bill wait any longer." Beverly spoke and gave me my flowers. We went to the church and Eddie smiled at me. " You look beautiful Y/n." "Thank you Eddie, and thank you to walk me down the aisle. Please don't let me fall." You spoke as you and Eddie walked into the church. You could see Bill standing at the end of the aisle in a beautiful suit and smile on his face. You gave your flowers to Beverly and took Bill's hands. "Hi." You said and he wiped away a tear. "You look so beautiful." He spoke and kissed your hands. The priest started the ceremony and tried to make it a little fun. "Y/n Y/l/n, do you take William Denbrough to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "William Denbrough, do you take Y/n Y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded Wife?" "I do." Bill spoke and you smiled. 

You placed the rings on each other's finger and smiled. "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Bill grabbed your waist and kissed you deeply. After the ceremony, you were going to your parents house before going to celebrate.You changed your wedding dress for a short white lace dress. "Bill can you come in here and zip up my dress." You asked and smiled as he walked in. "I can't believe after all these we are finally husband and wife." Bill spoke as he turned you around and smiled down at you. " I can't believe it either. I love you so much." You spoke as you placed your hands on his cheeks and placed your lips on his. "We should go to the party venue." You spoke and the two of you went to the car and Bill drove to the venue.

 You saw that the losers were already inside, having a drink and talking to each other. You and Bill smiled as you walked towards them. "Congrats guys. We always knew you'll eventually get married." Stan spoke and you smiled. "So sorry Richie, now that i'm married you can't hit on me anymore." You teased Richie and he smiled. The party was great and you danced with your friends and with Bill. It was a blast and you'd remember it forever. Who knew that the terrorising of a clown could bring people closer towards each other. That same night, you and Bill left to go on your Honeymoon. You went to Rome. That night you and Bill was a new chapter of the book that was about your relationship. That night you were known as the newly wedded couple of the Losers club.   

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