Ben Hanscom x Reader: Sweet hearts.

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I woke up in the morning of the sound of my alarm going off. I opened my eyes and look at what time it was. It was the start of a new school week. It was the middle of October and i was still not over the fact that summer break was over. I groaned and got up, walked towards my closet and got ready. I decided for a black dress and my favourite flannel over top of it. As for shoes i went with my black convers and as accessory i went for a chocker. I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack and an apple before i walked out the door and walked to school. When i walked on the school ground, i saw one of my friends, Ben, being bullied by the Bowers Gang.

" Hey Henry, don't you have someone your age to go and bully?" I yelled and took Ben's hand an dragged him away. "Thank you, Y/n. For dragging me away." Ben spoke as we stopped by Beverly. "You are welcome." I smiled and Beverly looked confused at me. "I dragged him away from Bowers." I told her and she nodded. For some reason i felt a warm feeling inside my body, a feeling that i have felt ever since i laid eyes on Ben. We walked to our class room and waited for the class to start. The day went by slowly and after school was over, I went to the usual meeting spot of the Losers and waited for my friends to show up.

I was sitting on a rock near the lake and i saw something crawling out the water. It was a snake and i started to scream. When i looked up i could see Pennywise standing on the otherside of the lake and i started to panick. I was trying to take deep breathes but i could only think about the snake and the clown. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder and jumped. "I am sorry to scare you... What is wrong?" "I saw... a snake and then... i saw Pennywise and i started to panick and i was so scared and thank you that you are here now."

"It is okay. I will always be here for you. Uh i have something to tell you." Ben spoke and i looked at him. " What is it?" I smiled and i could see him taking a deep breath. "I am so in love with you. Ever since i saw you i felt like you were the one." "That is so sweet Ben. I have been in love with you too but i was too afraid to tell you because i didn't know how you would react. But it felt stronger when you comforted me a minute ago. I want to feel that all the time, i want to have someone i can hold on to and someone that can comfort me when i have a panic attack." I told him and he smiled.

"I can be that person. I promise that i will always be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. You are a very important person and i want you to feel safe and loved. Will be mine?" Ben asked and i smiled as i leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Of course i will." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a while and when our friends arrived they were very happy. We spend the rest of the school year together and i wouldn't want it any other way. He is my rock and i love him. I want to spend the rest of My life with him.

A few years later, Ben and i were still dating and he was the sweetest person. He helped me trough a lot of my panic attacks and i couldn't wish for a better boyfriend. In the years that we were dating, there wasn't a moment of regret and he ha asked me to marry him on my birthday 1 year after we left school and i was happy to be marrying the person taht was there for me when i needed him the most. I love him till the day i die and he owns my heart and i own his. 

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