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@emse, lovelytia and 2

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@emse, lovelytia and 2.006.162 other liked
@imzachherron I wish you would notice how deeply in love I am with you...

@jonahmarais Just talk to her bro
@corbynbesson ^ Yea do what Jonah says
@hater9223 If you are talking about Emma then I'm going to kill my self
@emse you look descent today<3
@imzachherron ^ I hate you<3
@user I want a friendship like that
@stephanie I have told you before. I don't like you Zach, stop trying
@user6142 ^ LEAVE. You ruined her relationship before, you don't get to ruin this
@emse thank you for standing up for me<3 @user6142
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Dm's between
@imzachherron and @emse

Will you come over and meet my friends?


Right now

I'm on my way<3

See you in 10 minutes<3

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