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*1 year later*
Cole's POV:
Ever since Lili and I canceled the wedding I changed ever since. I still see Sabrina and Lili is just doing great. She looks gorgeous than last time. Sabrina is 4 years old. Every time I see her I see Lili.

I have become a fuck boy. Lili wasn't happy with my choice but I could care less. But deep down inside I knew I would care about her opinion but I wasn't gonna change.

I still have Lili's engagement ring. I have it placed safely. But what's the point. I think about her every single fucking day and I can't get her out of my head and 1 hear has passed and she's still the girl I want. Every time I would sleep with another girl. But I knew no one could replace Lili and never will.

Lili now has a boyfriend and from what she told me they've been dating for 4 months at least. Sabrina is health which was all that I cared about. Or was it really all I cared about?

Lili's POV:
I've been dating a guy named Brian. He makes me happy but he can never replace the happiness I had with Cole.

Cole comes three times a week to see Sabrina. But I feel like he doesn't just only come for Sabrina. I see him looking at me in the corner of his eye. I wouldn't say I moved on from Cole. I mean how could I? He sees my daughter three times a week. He told me he's a fuck boy. It's like he's in high school.

When he told me I just shook my head in disappointment. I couldn't believe he moved on from being a sweetheart to being a fuck boy. I'm guessing that stripper really changed him. Or was it really her?

Cole's POV:
Usually I would see Lili's new boyfriend sitting on the couch while she cooks dinner. I honestly don't think he's the right guy but she can do whatever she wants.

I say bye to Sabrina and kiss her on the forehead and give her a big hug. I head out the door. When I crossed the street I forgot my wallet on the counter. Fuck!

Lili's POV:
Once Brian heard the door close shut he went up to me and slapped me straight in the face.

Lili: "WTF!?" I yell.
Brian: "Don't play dumb like you weren't looked at the dude. I tell Sabrina to go into her room. She runs to her room. Brian slaps me one more time. I slapped him back and that was the worst thing I did. He put me against the wall and started to choke me. I couldn't reach for air.

That's when I heard the door open.

Cole's POV:
I reach Lili's house and I open the door. I hear screams once I stepped foot in that house. I hear Lili screaming in the kitchen. I run to her and see Brian choking her. I push him off her while she falls to the ground. I punch him straight in the face making him dizzy and loose sight. Once he was unconscious I run to Lili.

I could see her gasping for air but she couldn't. I get her water and try to calm her down. Once she started to get air she cried. I know Lili well enough and she wouldn't have stayed in this relationship. I carry her to the couch and place her on the couch carefully. I play with her hair and tried to calm her down a bit more.

She hugged me and thanked me. I felt like asking her.

Cole: "Lili...does he do this to you every time?" I ask. She nodded. That bastard.
Cole: "Why didn't you ditch him?" I asked really confused because Lili would usually ditch him if he try's anything like this.
Lili: "B-Because he said he was gonna harm you and take Sabrina away from me..." she says while tears form into her eyes since again.  She did this for me? I get a blanket and cover her with it. I go into Sabrina's room seeing her playing with her dolls. I carry her over to Lili.

I would in a million years protect the girls I love the most. And those girls were Sabrina and Lili.

(730 words)

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