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A lot of the time I write from my experiences, most often tweaked to suit my character and their situation. Sometimes I base things off experiences my friends have had or even just dark thoughts I've had.

I'll take inspiration from other stories and day to day life. And more often than not, a lot of my ideas will come to me if I'm touching water. A shower to clear my head usually helps me focus of a part of a story I had been stuck on previously.

I still get writers block. I always will. Actually, I have writers block right now for a few of my stories. I find that if I take the time to re-read and edit the story I'm stuck on from the begining I'll have an idea that I will write random nonsense to and then I'll look back on that and fix it up a little. That usually turns into a mini plot for that chapter.

I've also started using songs more recently. I listen to music all the time, so I don't see why not. Sometimes when I sit there listening to music, I get lost in my own world. Sometimes that world is extremely vivid. When that happens I make a mini/short story about it in my head. I've only ever written a few, however I just published one here on Wattpad today (May 22nd, 2021)

Yeah, it's been a long time since I actually wrote anything down in this little book. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day, pandemic and all considered, if not, try to find something small to enjoy today.

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