Your ass is grass pt/2

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Thank you guys.


Jazmine... What have I done going there...


"Huey! why did you do this to me?! why did you cheat on me!? I thought you loved me?!"

"Jazmine! who told you I cheated?! What the fuck do you take me for-

"No no no! your friend called me and said you urged her to have sex with you... sex Huey...."

She fell to the ground crying.

Thousands of thoughts raced through his mind.

What to do.. What to do...

"Jazmine..." he put his hand out to her.

"I did not do anything she said."


"She lied because I refused to have sex with her."

"B-but why were you there...?"

"She has a kid.... I wanted to see if I could take care of her... if I could do that... then I might be successful with our own child..."

"..." She took his hand and he pulled her up.

They hugged for a very long time.

"Don't ever scare me like that again..."


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