The best worse day

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Souls point of view


It was now 8:49pm and Maka hadn't come home yet. Since it was my night to cook dinner, I had put everything up. I need to find her. After Blair had come home and hadn't seen her I knew something had to be wrong.  The last place I knew she was, was with Liz and Patty. So the first place I check is Kid's house. I hop on my bike and ride as fast as I can. Avoiding any and everyone who tries to talk to me. When I pull up in front of Kid's house I hear terrible screaming.//what the hell is going on in there\\I run with the stairs to his front door. And I let myself in. "Kid! Liz! Pat-" Someone interrupts me. "Hiya Soul" "Patty have you seen Maka?" A worried expression works it way onto my face."Yeah she's in here." Patty skips off as I run behind her to keep up. I stop to catch my breath. "C'mon silly she's not on the floor" Patty says as she giggles. //I swear to Shinigami this child\\ I start to hear yelling. Its Liz. The one thing that caught my hearing was " Kid let the poor girl go you moron." I start to run again. Not caring how tired I am. I come to a door. I push it open. And I see the worse picture I could ever see. Kid has Maka tied to a bed with scissors in his hand. Everyone goes silent has the doors hit the walls from me opening them so fast. Maka looks up towards the noise, but gets pushed back down by Kid. "Kid what the hell are you doing?" I yell as I walk closer to the three of them. He looks at me and starts to speak. "I'm. Cutting. Her-her. Pigtail." Maka looks at me with a pained look. I take a step closer to the bed. Kid pushes her back down again. "Sit down you asymmetrical garbage of a person." //Alright that's it If anybody is going to make fun of my Maka.. -Did I just say my?- Whatever. If anyone is going to make fun of her its going to be me.\\ "Let go of my meister!" I yell as I run to stop Kid from doing anything else to her. I look from Kid to Maka. From Maka to Liz and back to Kid. And that's when Liz starts to speak. "Soul thank Death you're here. We were walking with Maka back to you guys house when we saw Kid and he freaked out."//Freaked out? Why would he freak out?\\   "He saw Maka and said 'Girls we must fix this problem.'. So we raced here and this is where we have been since." I nod as I begin to untie Maka. I grab her hand and pull her off the bed. She stumbles but I catch her and pull her close to me as I sit my chin on the top of her head. ///Well since I have her right her might as well take advantage.\\ I slowly move my head to kiss Makas forehead. And I whisper "I missed you tiny tits." She giggles as Liz coughs to interrupt our sacred moment. As Kid gets off the ground from passing out he talks. "The reason I kept her was because she had a few hairs that were longer in the right ponytail than the one on the left." //He has to be crazy. Oh wait he is!!\\ "You kept Maka because of her ponytails. That's it Kid you've lost it. We are leaving." I grab Makas hand as we make our way out of than crazies' house. She looks at me and starts to blush. "What is it Maka?" She blushes more now at the way I say her name. "You kiss-kissed me. And you were worried about me" "Yes I did and I don't regret it. Maka I need to talk to you." "Soul can it wait its cool and I'm tired?" "No it can't wait. But here take my jacket. Maka I love you. I love your asymmetrical pigtails. And your very flat, symmetrical boobs. I love how your eyes shine in the sun. I love how I catch you staring at me when you think I'm not looking. I love any and everything you do. And I'm glad that you are my meister and that I am your weapon. I love you Maka." I blush as I kiss her cheek. "Soul. That-that's so cool. I love you too." //I love how she uses the word cool\\ I kiss her again but not on the cheek. On the lips in front of my bike. Somehow I can feel her blushing. I pull her body into mine as we continue to kiss. We let go with what little breath we have left. I jump on the bike with her not far behind. She jumps on and holds onto my waist..... Once we get home Maka doesn't want to change. Since she fell sleep on the ride here. I carry her into our tiny apartment and set her on the couch. //Damn does she look good in my jacket\\ I grab me some sweatpants throw them on. And throw my pants somewhere on the floor. I'll find them tomorrow. I grab a pillow and a blanket out of the hall closet and walk back to the living room. I toss the pillow at Maka to wake her up. She glares at me but behind to laugh. I hand her the blanket while I cut the tv on and the lights off. She is holding the blanket in the air as my sign to come lay down. I lay down behind her so I can hold her properly. And we fall asleep within minutes, hand in hand fingers intertwined.

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