Happy birthday

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A/N I saw this picture on instagram so my friend wanted me to write a one shot based off of this. 

               Soul's pov

So today is Makas birthday and she told me not to get her anything. But after all the uncool shit me and her have been through the most I can do is get her a present. But what should I get her? I don't want to get her a book only because I'll most likely get chopped with it later.  I could get her a necklace. But with what on it. Damn its too early to be thinking about this. I look at the clock 8:45am it says. I roll over and go back to sleep for a quick 15 minutes. It feels like I was asleep for 20 minutes when there is a knock at the door. I look at the clock and it now says 8:50am. Five minutes. Damn. I get up and walk to the door. "Who is it?" I say with a hint of tiredness. "Hey Soul its Blair. Are you ready to get Maka a present we should go before she gets up." "I'll be out in ten." I'm running around my room to get ready and come upon a picture of me and Maka. It brings a smile to my face. Shit pay attention. I grab my jacket and walk out of my room. Blair is sitting on the couch. I tap her on the shoulder. "Lets go." A five minute drive. That's all it took. Blair then grabs my shoulder and ask,"What are you getting her?" I look at the lady sure to skip her large breasts(I will not have a nosebleed today)"A necklace. With a crescent moon and a book charm on it." I say as I walk towards the door. I really hope I don't see anyone I know today. Blair runs to catch up to me. We make it to the jewelry store within minutes. I tell the cashier person what I want and they find a gold chain and the two charms I asked for. "Would you like a free engravement on a charm?" "Sure why not can't hurt anyone." I realize that Blair is gone so this is the best time to say this. "Can it say S&M forever on the back of the book charm please?" I feel my face redden. "Sure. I'll be back in a few." The cashier person walks away. Damn it Soul what are you doing? What are you feeling? What should you do? How do you tell her? My thoughts.were interrupted by Blair yelling my name. "Soul, Maka called she is wondering where we are. I told her we would be home soon." Just then the cashier came back with the finished necklace in a box. "That will be $36.54." I hand them the money and me and Blair run back to the bike to make it home in decent time. Blair helps me get in the house without Maka asking questions. I place the box in my room and make it back out in time for breakfast. "I made pancakes." Maka yells from the kitchen. Man do I love her cooking. I run to get a few pancakes before they are gone. Maka just stands in the corner with a worried look. I turn to her. "Hey what's wrong?" I say as I lift her chin up to look at me. "N-nothing. I'm fine." She pulls away. Damn she looked so upset. Hmm... Her party starts at 3pm. We start to set up and get dressed around 1pm. Everything is set and ready before 2:55 pm. Everyone started showing up around 2:57 pm so we planned that well. Her party lasts about 5-6 hours  and once everyone leaves its now about 9pm. Maka tells everyone goodbye again. And you hear Kid yell"Thanks for the symmetrical party." That's Kid for ya. Maka begins to walk to her room ignoring me. "Hey Maka can you meet me in my room?" She gives me a death look. "Sure but you aren't going to try anything are you?" I laugh a little and she joins along. "No of course not." I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room."Soul... What are you doing?" I love the way she says my name. "You were taking to long.//I sit her on my bed\\ okay sit and close your eyes." I wait until she closes her eyes to grab her present. I then sit back on the bed. She opens her eyes. "Soul you haven't told me happy birthday all day. Don't tell me you forgot..." My plan is working. "That was today?" "Why do you think we had a party?" "I thought it was just one of Kid's crazy parties." I say as I crawl to sit behind her. "Soul? You didn't forget my birthday. HOW COULD YOU FORGET MY BIRTHDAY?" Because I didn't I say in my head. I take the necklace out of the box and put it on her. She gasps when she feels the metal fall around her neck. "You bought this for me.//she says as she looks on the back of the book and sees the engravement. Her eyes widen as she turns to me.\\NO YOU DIDN'T YOU LYING SHARK TOOTH SON OF A BITCH." My eyes widen, that's a new one. She pulls me into a hug and I whisper the one thing she needs to hear most into her ear. "Happy birthday Maka. I love you."

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