His Sister

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They had told her she was gone, dead or in the Upside Down, no one really knew. But they were quite insistent she was gone. Nancy’s brother had been in tears when they got to the school, and the other kids had been shaking. Nancy and Jonathan had told him what they knew about El, how she was an experiment. His heart had reached out for her, terrified for her as she went from one terrible situation to the next. But she was gone, and there was nothing they could do. But that wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. Because that very same girl who was supposedly gone was sitting in his living room. And Steve Harrington was more than determined to take care of this girl.

-----------A Few Hours Earlier ---------

Running a hand over his face, Steve watched as the government people left with the many signed forms, leaving him with a headache from all the questions. And once they were out of his drive way, Steve raced towards his keys. He knew the government people would hound Nancy and Mike because of the involvement they had, especially with the psychic girl. And in a rush, he quickly climbed into his car and raced off towards the Wheeler’s house. It was late, so he didn’t quite care for traffic laws or street signs, which meant he was ignoring them. Of course, this is when he almost ran over someone.

The car jerked to a stop, whether from his foot on the brake or something else, Steve never did find out. But the car stops before it can hit the person, and Steve is scrambling out of his car after a moment of shock. Not too long though. He’s been in shock all night, so shock is sort of washing over him. He thinks.

At first, he thinks it’s a boy, a boy wearing a dress and covered in dirt. Perhaps some kind of prank. But as he clambered out of the car, hoping the person was alright, Steve realized that he was staring at a little girl, perhaps Mike’s age. She was on her knees, barely holding herself up with her arms, and blood pouring from her nose. And she was staring at him with fear as her body trembled from the fear and cold night air. At first, he wasn’t sure what to make of this poor little girl, but it clicked as a whimper escaped her lips.

“Eleven?” Steve asked softly as he crouched beside her. “That’s your name, right? El?”

The little girl hesitantly nodded, still shaking. She looks so tired, worn out and weary. His hands slowly reached out, but she flinched back, terrified.

“I’m Steve,” he whispers softly as he sliped off his jacket, offering it to the girl. “Steve Harrington. I’m a friend of Nancy’s.”

“Mike’s sister?” she asked weakly, sinking into the warmth of the jacket.

“Yeah,” Steve nodded eagerly. “Yeah. Mike’s sister.”

The sound of voices and the glare of flash lights tore Steve’s attention away for a second, but El’s shaking picked up and Steve carefully scooped her up in his arms. Sliding her onto the floor of the backseat, hidden by his jacket, he slammed the door and turned to face the lights.

“Is it back?” he asked a government person.

“What are you doing Mr. Harrington?” a government woman asked, exasperated.

“I was going to see my girlfriend,” Steve said, forcing nerves into his voice. “I spotted the lights and thought that thing might be back.”

The woman just rolled her eyes. “Go home Mr. Harrington,” she instructed with no room for arguments. “The thing is not back, and you can talk to your girlfriend in the morning.” She quickly glared at him when he opened his mouth to protest. “I said go home.”

Steve just glared back before turning to his car and climbing in. As soon as he was driving home, he reached back for El.

“It’s okay, El,” he whispered softly. “You’re safe now.”

The Sister Of Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now